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A/n pov
Ahreum,bts, and Jiwon was having lunch at the school canteen,

obviously BTS offered Jiwon to eat lunch with them as an apology

even though Jiwon was the one who purposely bumped into ahreum,and made ahreum food scattered to the floor.

As they were having there lunch,they are having a talked with jiwon

they learned that Jiwon was a 'kind girl' and believed that is beautiful also,

but then ahreum just kept silenced and she just stared at them talking to Jiwon.

Your pov
I just stared at them being friendly to Jiwon,

as I glanced at my burger and took a big bite and grab my French fries and stuffed it into my mouth

'how can they ignore me and didn't mind asking if i got hurt from the fall', I pouted,

then when i fixed my gazed at them again suddenly my eyes landed on,

taehyung who was already looking at me, he was smiling and mouthed 'cute' causing me to blush,'sh*t why was my heart beat faster everytime I stare at Kim fcking taehyung,maybe he was just hotter than my fire place, oof I'm melting'

I caught Jiwon glaring at me,

I frowned why was she glaring at me though,f*ck off just kidding

did I do something?,

Then yoongi being a lazy cat he is,yeah I called him a cat cause hi looked like my cat meow meow hehe cool right

He fell asleep on my shoulder, he can sure sleep anywhere,

"you're really beautiful Jiwon",j hope said, ¯\_ಠ_ಠ_/¯

pfftt, no offense, beautiful?, It's like a very angry Mr.Donald threw a cake on her freakin face for God know what did she do to make him mad and cursed her to looked like him,

'stop the thought,your being a b*tch"I sighed as I thought of her.
Then I check the time,

oh it's almost time,

I was about to wake yoongi when I felt wet on my shoulder ,

my eyes twitch and slowly turned my head to yoongi my eyes widened,
and I found yoongi drooling,

arghhh this boi i swear, i grabbed a piece of fries then hold it under his nose, I usually do that everytime I planned to waked him up

he started sniffing and finally awake,I placed the fries into his lips and he ate it,

"let's head to our next class",I said as yoongi nodded and the bell ring,

the other member was already standing up and waiting for us, as me and yoongi stood up,

"kaja!(let's go)",jungkook said,as we  head to our next class, probably Jiwon went to her class first.
The next day
Your pov
I woke up from my alarm,I grabbed my phone from the table beside me and turned the alarm off,it's only 7:12,arghhh I still want to sleep f*ck that I don't want to leave the freakin bed at all,I'm not a morning person tho

I got up And watch myself in the mirror  I swear I looked like a rotten potato right nowಠಿ_ಠಿ,and after tharlt mirror thing I did my morning routine and made my way downstairs

i grabbed my shoes and put it on, and head to school,I didn't mind having my breakfast.

When I reach the school gate I saw my friends already waving at me with a smile plastered on their face,

woah sh*t so shiny who the f*ck- oh it was only jhope,it got me haha

'Wah ~my eyes are blessed'

I smiled and ran into them and hugged them as they hugged me back, you see I fell like when I stand beside them I feel like I'm a-

My words are suddenly cut of by this hot sh*t

"good morning princess!, how was your sleep?, did you dream of me and did your heart went boom boom?,"tae said teasing me and smirked ,aishh I swear if I'm a stupid potato which is i am hehe I have thought long ago that he has a crush on me,but reality hurts no one wants a sad potato like me, sh*t!

"yes,I f*cking dream about you and we even kissed",I said and smirked
then taehyung face turn into tomato

,"uh.. tae do you have a fever",jungkook pointed out innocently,

"I think he's blushing,"hoseok said wriggling his eyebrows sunshine you sure know how to scrutinized people,taehyung face reddened even more,awe he looked like a tomato.
At the classroom

A/n pov
Ahreum raised her hand to catch the teacher attention,

"yes ahreum?",mr. Song said and looked at ahreum,

"sir may I go to the toilet",I said, "yes you may".
As ahreum was done at the toilet she started walking to class,

then suddenly a hand was wrapped around her wrist,

"F*ck off,they're mine",

Your pov
"F*ck off, they're mine",

I recognize the voice it was jiwon,what the freakin heck this girl just said stay away from who?oh!she mean mah Bois!?

what's wrong with her, "why would I stay away from them?," I said and,I was surprised at her attitude,

"because..some one as ugly sh*t like you" as she scanned me from head to toe with a judging i-do-give-fvck looked,

'Sh*t!I feel like I know this scene before nah forget it'

"should not be hangingout with them",she continued

"Woah calm your precious heart,do I looked like a f*ckin mirror to you,if I'm an ugly sh*t then you looked like Jin sexy ass no wait! just my ass,yeah right, you looked like a burrito",I said grinning and wriggling my eyebrows

she huffed and glared at me Jesus Christ she's looked like- ,"you bic-",woa Jesus ,as simple as that she was already offended,she then stopped and looked behind me,

and she suddenly grabbed my hand and placed it on her chest ,

I frowned what are this chick up to this time? She suddenly let her self fall to the freakin floor,

F*ck I think I know where it leads to, And said, "you don't have to hurt me!" She suddenly cried

" I-i will stay away from them"she's still looking behind me,her acting it looked freaking real,

"ahreum!What are you doing?",

jimin?? I turned around,and my eyes widened holy sh*t....

To be continued..

B*tch I guess we can't judge people from their looks

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