Chapter 16: the one where everything is back to normal

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Emily's P.O.V

I woke up with broad smile on my face. Today Chris was joining his work again that means he is completely fine. Past few days were tough for all of us specially Chris. But just like days passed Chris got better. I used to go to his house daily so I got chance to know Sophia too. I know how much important she is to Chris. She is very caring. I like her.

I thought a lot about Chris. He is the most amazing man I have ever met. I think I am falling in love with him. Whenever he is around my heart beats faster. But the thing is I have not told him about Liam. I dont want anything to change between us after I tell him everything. Part of me tells me that Chris is a sensible guy, he wont see me differently. But a part of me tells me that what if he doesnt understand me and leaves me?

At Chris office:

I walked in his floor. Suddenly memories of Georgia and him kissing flashed through my mind. But then I got myself together and went ahead. Chris didn't do anything. It was that bitch.

I opened the door of his cabin and there he was looking ridiculously handsome going through some files.

"Hey Chris!!" I greeted happily.

He looked up from his work and instantly his lips curled upwards.


He got up and came in front of me. He held my hand and with his other hand cupped my face.

Taking that as a clue, I pressed my lips on his. We kissed, smiled at each other. At that moment I felt that we dont need any words to speak, our eyes are enough.

"What a pleasant surprise!" Chris said.

"Well I had to. It is your first day after accident."

"Emily, thank you for taking care of me. For being with me through this. Thank you." Chris said.

"Chris, stop. You would do the same thing."

"Ofc. Okay Lets not argue over this. How about I take you out tomorrow. We can spend some time together, talk, play, whatever you say."
Chris asked.

'' That sounds great. I wil always be ready to go with you. How about we go the beach. I love beaches."
I said while closing my eyes. Imagining beach even gives me happy vibes.

"Ohh. Beach it is then."

"Yes. I shall take your leave now." I said.

"Noo. Stop. Stay for a while." Chris hugged me from back.

"Chris you have company to run and so do I." I said, but smiling at the fact that he doesnt want me to leave.

"Fine Ms. CEO. You may leave. We will meet tomorrow for our date."

He turned me towards himself. He held me by my waist. I wrapped my hands around his neck. We were looking in each others eyes.

"What? You want to tell me something?" I asked.

"No for now. I just want to keep looking at you." Chris said and I blushed like anything.



"Byee. I gotta go." I laughed.

"Way to ruin the mood Ms.CEO!"

I gave him a quick peck on his lips and left.

Hey Lovelies. Wassup? Hope you like this chapter. Please VOTE and COMMENT.

Question for the day:
Which field are you in?

I have taken commerce.
Wbu? Let me know in comment section.


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