15 | armor

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A cold hand slapping itself around her mouth jolted her out of any slumber she was near to falling into.

Not being able to see in the dark of the room, as clouds had covered the moon and prohibited any light from seeping in through the window, Lily immediately screamed from behind the unfamiliar hand, bringing her own up to grab at it.

"Sh, sh, sh," a whisper of a voice attempted to ease her, although she kept thrashing in the bed under the force of the hand that seemed utterly impenetrable. Suddenly, the sound of a match striking drew her attention, and she stilled her movements to look in the direction of the orange light.

That is when she saw, holding up the flame of a lit match close to his face, William, his golden eyes solid as he stared at her with a sickening grin. She wanted to scream again, to thrash and cry, but she was frozen. She could only lay there, her hands still gripping his incredibly strong one around her mouth, and stare into his poisonous orbs that watched her like a snake.

"Hello, Lily," he mumbled, the twisted grin still set on his face. Trembling, she watched him turn to the candle sitting on her nightstand and bring the lit match to it, lighting the candle and bringing more brightness to the room. But the brightness was still dim and was only strong enough to castle light on either of their faces. But behind William, farther into her room, the only thing Lily could see was a suggestive darkness that made her feel completely trapped and alone with him.

Her breaths trembled behind his grasp, her body tensing as she began to think about every horrible thing he was probably going to do to her.

Then he abruptly flipped a knife out of his pocket and up into the air between them, the familiar metallic sound paired with the suddenness of the movement causing her to attempt to jump back but only meeting the pillow her head was resting on. She began to whine as he grinned behind the shiny knife, thrashing her legs again and trying harder to pry his hand from her mouth, but it was to no avail.

Then she felt cold metal press right against her throat, effectively freezing all her movements. She kept her eyes trained on the ceiling, feeling too scared to even flicker them over to the predator keeping her hostage on the bed.

"Feel that?" he growled, his voice suddenly much harsher and venomous. "Huh?!"

He pushed the knife down harder, and she squeezed her eyes shut as it pressed deeply and painfully against the bones of her throat. She was about to nod her head as the response he was so violently demanding but stopped herself upon realization that a single move would have her throat sliced apart. So she tried to make an acknowledging sound, not daring to even open her lips to do so.

William's stern expression twisted into his familiarly sickening grin, his eyes dropping to the girl's neck that looked so delectable. "Now," he began in a slightly hissing tone, "I'm going to take my hand off your mouth, but if you make a single sound, I will slit your throat faster than you can get a syllable out."

Taking a risk, she slowly moved her eyes towards him, feeling chills erupt in her stomach when they connected with his. She could see the malice in his eyes, the thirst, the evil, the greed. It basically dripped from his eyes and his words. She made another sound to signal that she understood, and she felt that this was one of those moments where she didn't need to be ignorantly brave.

Upon seeing his fangs lengthen, her lungs trembled in her chest, and he slowly moved his hand away from her mouth, his eyes watching her meticulously. She stared at him, trying to figure out if this was real life or a nightmare. But the glint of his fangs against the candlelight was too real. His glowing golden eyes were too vivid, and the knife against her neck was too sharp. It was all real.

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