Chapter Sixteen

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Queen Adele left nothing out on her tour of the palace, so we didn't get through very much of it before Clarence decided to cut it short.

"I think Genevieve would like some time to freshen up in her room," Clarence interrupted his mother's discussion on statues in the guest wing of the palace. "I'm sure she'd also like to dress for dinner and have a moment with her staff to get situated."

Adele's face dropped, so I cut in. "I'd love to continue the tour another time, though, if we can fit that in. You have quite the history here."

She smiled and gently placed her hand on my shoulder. "Of course, my dear. We will see you at dinner. I'm sure Clarence or Olivia can help you out."

I smiled and waved at her as Clarence guided me down a long hallway I didn't remember seeing before.

"Who's Olivia?" I asked when my brain caught up with me. "She said you or Olivia could help me, but I don't remember which person is which!"

I could feel myself starting to breathe too fast, so I made a conscious effort to slow it down. It's not like you're alone, I reminded myself, Clarence is still here to help you.

"Olivia is one of your lady's maids." Clarence shook his head. "And you don't remember her because you haven't met her before."

He looked at me and then added, "Will you calm down? It's just a palace. And a palace is just a big old fancy home with a lot of drafts. Nothing's going to hurt you."

Just a palace. Imagine ever thinking that phrase.

"I'm just nervous." I adjusted the sleeve on my dress. "I have no idea what I'm supposed to wear for dinner and I need to talk to Janet and it's just a lot." The words spill out my mouth all at once.

I finally take a deep breath and look at him. "I'm worried I'll upset your parents. And my parents. And..." I trailed off. What was I doing spewing my soul to a man I'd never see again? I just needed to get through the summer and make enough money for law school. I pulled myself up tall and pushed my shoulders down and back. I followed Clarence down the hall until we reached my room.

"This is it." He pointed to a door with two young women standing on either side of it, a palace guard beside each of them.

"I kinda guessed that." I stared at him. "But thank you. I think I should be able to take it from here, then."

"I'll come back to escort you to dinner." He smiled and winked. "We wouldn't want it to look bad for my parents, would we?"

Does he mean what I think he means? I'm going to have to operate on the assumption that the king and queen are not aware of this arrangement. I know that makes no sense, but until I can find Janet to confirm it, I can't risk blowing my cover. I need this job.

I took a deep breath and watched Clarence's back as he walked down the hallway. When he rounded the corner and was out of sight, I turned to the two women outside my door.

"Hello." I smiled. "I'm Genevieve."

"Yes, Miss," the small blonde one giggled as she spoke. "We know."

Of course you do.

"We're happy to help," the taller brunette continued. "I'm Olivia, and this is Marinette."

I repeated their names over and over in my head until I felt I had them. I will have to keep running them through my head all day until I get the chance to write them down. Forgetting someone you were introduced to once is bad enough! But forgetting the name of your lady's maids seems exceptionally rude.

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