Chapter Nine

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Chapter Nine


Whitley was not feeling well. It was the first time I saw her hungover, and to be honest, it was a little amusing seeing her like that. She was buried underneath her covers, a bucket next to her on the bed, and a wet towel on her forehead.

"I tried to get her to eat some crackers, but she didn't want any," Aiden said. We were all standing in front of Whitley's bedroom, watching her from the door. Aiden was in his boxers, and I tried not to stare at his chiseled chest. His darker skin made his whole body look even hotter. He was a handsome guy, but I had my eyes set on someone else.

Although we had the friendship-talk this morning, I couldn't get the feeling of River's hardness pressing against my backside off my mind. He didn't know I was awake, and when he turned me to face him, I wished I could feel him again. Instead, I accidentally let my hand fall to his stomach, feeling all the little lines between his muscles.

River was attractive. But there was more to him than just a handsome face and abs. I saw past that, and as cliché as it sounded, I was the only one who knew who he really was. Deep down, he was scarred.

"Thank you for keeping an eye on her," I told him, smiling up at him.

"No problem. Thanks for bringing my books and clothes. I'll just stay here until she can handle herself again." Aiden intended on studying, although classes hadn't even begun yet. I wondered if he was interested in Whitley, or if he had this natural kind heart. Maybe it was a little bit of both.

I pulled the door toward us, leaving a crack open and turning back to River. "I'll go take a shower. I'll be quick," I told him, and he nodded.

"If Mom and Dad arrive, invite them in." We didn't have much in our fridge since we only went to a gas station to pick up the necessities for the next few days. Whitley and I intended on getting takeout anyway until we had everything furnished. My mattress still hadn't arrived, and I wasn't sure where to sleep tonight.

I would probably end up in River's bed again. Not that I minded, but he was the one calling us out on our weird behavior last night at the party. But maybe he would let me sleep in his bed again tonight.

After my quick shower, I put on a different colored floral dress, then headed out of the bathroom to see River sit on the couch. He smiled at me as he saw me and tugged his phone back into his pocket.

"You look gorgeous. As always," he told me, reaching out his hand for me to take. Aiden was back in Whitley's bedroom. That was the only room with a desk, and I doubted he was bothering Whitley by studying in there.

I went willingly to River, taking his hand and without really thinking about it, I let him pull me on his lap. I was straddling him, and we both looked a little surprised. His hands were holding on tight on my waist, and I put my hands on his shoulders for support. No matter how often we cuddled, no matter how close we got before, this was a first for us.

River's eyes didn't leave mine, and after a while, he relaxed a little underneath me, moving one hand to my back and pulling me closer. To avoid feeling more awkward than I already did, I leaned in to put my head on his shoulder, letting him cup the back of my head with his other hand.

"What is happening between us?" he whispered, and I wished I had a good answer for that. We were quiet for a moment, and I closed my eyes to enjoy his warmth.

My dress had been pushed up from straddling him, but I was still fairly covered. His right hand left my back, only to touch the side of my leg. I shivered, and I felt his thumb rub my skin just underneath the hem of the dress.

Before he could move it further up, and before my heart exploded in my chest, the doorbell rang and I jumped up, knowing it was Mom and Dad. "They're here," I announced, quickly getting up from his lap.

I heard him chuckle, but I ignored it to open the door to my parents. "Hi," I said, smiling at them.

"Hi, honey," Mom said, hugging me tight before letting out a squeal of joy. Yes, my mother still had it in here, that teenage noise. "Oh, River. How have you been, sweetie?" River kissed her cheek, then hugged her tight while I turned to my Dad.

"Hi, Daddy," I said, trying not to get crushed by his muscly arms. "Hey, baby," he whispered, kissing the top of my head. I could tell he was emotional, and every time he was close to tears, I couldn't help but grin. It seemed odd for someone with a biker vest with the President patch on it to cry, but when it came to me, he didn't care shedding tears.

"Come here, boy," Dad said, pulling River into his arms and patting his back a little too hard. River chuckled, pushing back against his chest to get some air. "Man up, old man," he teased, and Dad laughed out loud, punching River's arm jokingly.

"Are you planning on staying here? You won't be driving home later tonight, right?" I asked.

Mom shook her head. "We got a hotel room for the night. We thought we'd get something to eat, and tomorrow we can get all of your things in her."

I nodded, thinking that was a great idea. "So, wanna head out?" I asked.

"Whitley coming too?" Dad asked, but I shook my head. "She's not feeling well. River's roommate is looking after her. She'll be fine," I told them.

As we got to the Mexican restaurant in town, we were lucky to get a table without reservations. Almost every table was taken, and we were put in the far back at a booth with a view on the Animas River.

"Beautiful, huh?" Mom pointed out, looking out the window to the water. I nodded, scooting over to let River get in beside me. His hand immediately touched my thigh, and I was startled for a second before he smiled at me and took his hand away again.

I pressed my lips into a thin line, then grabbed one of the menus off the table. "Will you sleep at River's again tonight?" Dad asked, and I turned to look at him. "Yes. I mean...I guess so. I hoped my mattress would arrive today," I told him, then looked at River who was leaned back, studying the menu himself.

As Dad nodded, I looked back down, reading what they offered here. I loved Mexican food, so whatever they had I would for sure like.

I felt Dad's eyes on me, and I lifted my gaze again, raising an eyebrow. "What?" I asked, starting to think I had something on my face.

He shrugged, puckering his lips, and looking at River. He was quiet for a second, then surprised us all with his words. "Are you guys using protection?" he asked.

"Dad!" I cried out, feeling my cheeks heat up immediately. Way to start a family dinner, Dad.

"Aw, come on. Don't tell me you still haven't gone there," he muttered, and I saw River grin out of the corner of my eyes. I shook my head, burying my face back into the menu.

"We're friends," I murmured.

"Darryl," Mom hissed, but there was an amused undertone to it.

"No, Bowie is right," River said, turning his head into my direction. "There was a weird moment last night at the party between us...but we talked it out. We can't cross the line." He sounded serious, and if I was not mistaken, a little hurt.

I frowned, keeping my head down and acting as if I was still studying the card. "I give it one more week," Dad said, and I rolled my eyes internally.

To make matters worse, Mom chimed in with a "maybe two."

"Ready to order?" the waitress asked, and I quickly sat up straight. "Yes!" I said a tad bit too loudly. "I mean, yes, please."

Another chuckle escaped my dad's chest, and I wished the color in my cheeks wouldn't be so damn obvious.

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