Chapter 13

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The First Meeting

The next day I woke up with an almighty headache. I felt horrible. I opened my eyes to see the silhouette of a figure sitting at my desk. I propped myself up on my elbows, my eyes squinted as they adjusted to the sun light pouring through the gap between my curtains. When my eyes had adjusted I could see clearly that it was Roxy sitting at my desk fiddling with my mobile charm.

“Good morning sleepy head.”  She said.

“Ummmmm.” I moaned as my elbows gave way and I crashed back down into my nice warm pillows.

“No you can’t stay in bed.” She accurately translated. “You’ve got to get up! You’re a member of Gash, you need to get to know everybody. There’s a meeting in the clearing at ten and its half nine now. So hurry up”

I sat staring blankly at the wall, trying to rack my brains for the events of last night but I couldn’t remember a single thing. I managed to summon the energy to groggily get up and walk over to my wardrobe. I pulled out my favourite ‘Live, Love and Music’ peach T-shirt, jeans and my blue-grey converses. I headed off to get dressed and apply make-up so I didn’t look like the walking dead, while Roxy mentioned something about telling Lisa she was here, but I wasn’t really paying attention, I was still half asleep, it was too early. Ten minutes later I was walking down the stairs, extremely impressed with my speed, but apparently ten minutes to wake up, get dressed, apply make-up and curl your hair is not quick enough in Roxy world. She stood with her arms crossed, waiting impatiently at the bottom of the stairs.

“Finally.” She exclaimed, throwing her arms out and raising her eyebrows. “I’ve told Lisa that we’re going out for the day and she didn’t reply. She was about to say something but she was interrupted by the phone so I took it as a yes and ran.”

“Hahahaha. Ok, great” I replied, heading towards the front door.

“Leah, Leah, Leah.” I heard Lisa’s voice behind me, so I spun around. “Glad I caught you, can I have a word, it’ll only take a minute.”

“Uggghhhhhhhhhhh!” Roxy groaned throwing her head back.

“Yes, sure.” I responded, walking back towards the office, with Lisa trailing behind me.

“Leah, I just got off the phone to Martha and she rang to say that you have been scheduled to see Sue Hurrican, a counsellor from the community mental health team on Friday at midday.” She informed me. “That’s a week today.”

“Oh right, ok. That’s great. Thanks.” I said.

“Is there anything you want to say, or know?” she asked.

“No, I’m good thanks but if I think of something I’ll come and see you.” I told her.

I exited the office and went outside to where Roxy was bouncing up and down like a rabbit. I pushed it to the back of my mind. I’d worry about it later.

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