17 - You Stink, Eli

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Sunday morning, I went for a hike with my parents, and we took family pictures at the top of the mountain. My mom had made us lunch, and we basked in the early afternoon sun as we enjoyed the view. We joked and enjoyed the day together for the first time in what felt like a long time.

In the past few months, there had been a slight air of stress and resentment in my household. Even if I was super happy for my parents, I was having a hard time about the move, but none of that was there today. I was pleased that none of us brought it up, and we were just able to have a great day together.

I fell asleep in the car on the short drive home. I had been out late last night and had gotten up early with my parents, so I wanted to nap before I went out tonight.

My mom shook my shoulder gently before leaving the car, letting me know that we were home. You know when you were a kid, and you would fall asleep in the car and wake up just before you pulled into your driveway because your body knew you were home? Mine didn't do that yet.

I sighed, looking up at my house.

I am starting to get comfortable here, but it doesn't exactly feel like my real home. Not yet.

After a shower, I ended up falling asleep for a few hours. I was smart enough to set the alarm. I didn't want Taylor to burst into my room and me not be ready to go.

I looked at my phone to check the temperature and saw that Brodie had DM'd me. I opened the DM and saw him and the girl he had been so excited about on Thursday. They had gone on their first date last night. I smiled, wow, that boy moved quickly. They looked happy. I sighed.

I wasn't even really sure if last night was a date or not. I wish Eli could be as forthcoming as his brother. Sure, we had said it was a date, but Jackson had ruined it once again.

I shook my head. I couldn't blame him for everything. I think I was just upset because after all that it just felt too friendly. Taking things slow was what I wanted because I was so... unexperienced. However, I was scared that it would just turn into a friendship if I didn't personally pick up the pace.

But Eli had been so kind to me. So charming, so maybe this is just the way he was going to act. I don't really know, and it is not like I have anything to compare it to.

I sighed, Taylor was going to be here to pick me up in half an hour, so I have to get ready. I brushed out my now almost dry hair and threw it into a ponytail before wandering over to my closet. Taylor had reminded me that I need to dress a little warm and bring a blanket to sit on as the metal bleachers tend to get a bit chilly.

I pulled out a pair of black yoga pants and a large sweater to wear over the top. I decided to forgo any other hats or gloves - it still is warm at night, even if it can get a little brisk. I grabbed the same blanket I used last night and stuffed my phone and wallet into my sweater pocket before wandering downstairs.

In the kitchen, I quickly popped some popcorn and melted some butter to pour over the popcorn. I hope that Taylor liked her popcorn extra buttery. I assumed there would be no snack stands, but I am a snacking master, and I wouldn't want to watch a soccer game without at least something to eat.

When Taylor pulled up and saw I had a massive bag of buttered popcorn, she squealed. "Okay, you are the BEST, girl! I am bringing you to every game," I grinned and jumped in the front seat.

We stopped at a house just down the block from me and picked up the two blondes I had met at the party the other week. They got in the back giggling. I am glad I made a lot of popcorn.

"Hi, Betty!" One of them said cheerily.

"H," I said back, feeling a little shy that I had yet to memorize their names.

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