Chapter 18

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Song: Like It Is - Kygo, Zara Larson, and Tyga


I woke up and I knew that today was the day. The Regent would attack today. 

Call it a daughter's intuition, but it seemed like death was hovering over us.

I didn't want to die with any regrets, so I made sure not to hold anything back. 

Luckily Jackson arrived this morning. I made sure to greet him and Astra at the gates.

I gave him a half-hug, but he was staring at me stunned. "Who did you have to kill to get this?"

I knew he was talking about Aiden's pack and my new Alpha status. "No one, surprisingly. However," I gestured at the beautiful territory around us, "This belongs to my mate, not me."

"Mate, huh? I never thought you would let yourself get tied down." He snickered a bit.

"Well, you are right. I rejected him. He can't get rid of me until we kill my father though, so lucky me, right?" I laughed a little bit, but in a fake way as if saying, 'This shit isn't funny. I fucking dare you to laugh.'

He understood my point. He introduced me to his mate again, "You remember Astra right?"

"How could I forget someone who almost ruined my day so spectacularly?" She scoffed, "Don't worry, love, I forgive you." I blew her a kiss. 

"Thanks, that makes me feel so much better." Her sarcasm made me smile. Maybe we could've gotten along ina different life. I happen to find her mildly entertaining.

"You're welcome. Anyway, your lovely mate is needed in a meeting where we will discuss slaughtering everyone. Thanks!" I grabbed Jackson's hand and dragged him to the meeting with Aiden, Marcus, and Aaron.

I almost feel uncomfortable being surrounded by so much testosterone. But the fact that I've beaten all of their asses before kind of helped with that. 

"Alpha." Aaron greeted me. 

I didn't mind him calling me by my first name when we were alone, but never in front of other Alphas. Others might begin to think that I am incapable of controlling my pack, and I could get challenged. 

Personally I trusted these four boys with my life, so I had nothing to worry about when it came to challenges. Plus they know that they would lose. 

Aiden and Jack shook hands. "Nice to meet you. Emma spoke highly of you." Jack smiled slightly.

I wasn't embarrassed, but I did laugh when Jack says, "I wish I could say the same for you. However, she never let on that you existed." The way he said it couldn't even be taken as disrespectful because he looked so innocent and ignorant.

Aiden cleared his throat. I couldn't tell if he was angry, annoyed, or embarrassed. Most likely a mix of the three. 

The Betas had made themselves busy in the back of the room talking. I think they noticed the shit that was going down. 

"How well are your wolves trained?"

"I had Emma train them as a favor once. Does that answer your question?"

Aiden blinked, "So, you've known each other for a while?" Ope, jealousy.

"Jack is one of my oldest living friends."

"I see. Where is your Beta?"

"He is still at my pack helping protect the wolves left behind."

"I would've thought you would bring someone with you. It can be dangerous to travel alone in the middle of a war." Oh, shit. Did Aiden just threaten him?

"Oh, hey, guys. I just wanted to tell you that he is going to attack soon. Like, today, soon."

"What do you mean?" Aaron pooped out of his conversation with Marcus.

"It's just a feeling. Somehow I know that it's going to happen today. I feel like my dad is coming. This is the same feeling I had when he captured me. I didn't understand it then, but I do now. My wolf is acknowledging that he is coming."

Marcus chimed in, "So, why didn't Emma tell us that the homicidal douchebag is her father? She could be working with him. Why isn't anyone reacting?"

I cringed a little bit at the situation, but Jack spoke up. "Well, literally everyone knew but you." He pointed his finger at the other wolves in the room. "It's kind of sad really."

"Jack, there's no need to be mean." I didn't hide the fact that I was smiling and found what he said funny. "And I can fight my own battles." I moved my hair to show the scars that my father had inflicted on my throat. "He did this to me when I challenged his position. He thinks I'm dead."

Marcus flinched when he saw the hideous lines on my esophagus. "Right, uh- I'm sorry."

"I don't need apologies. I need that fucker dead. If he is able to kill any of us," I gestured at Aiden, Jack, and I, "We won't be able to win. If he gets the power of a pack, we all die."

They nodded, finally seeing the danger that they were in. "The worst shit is, we have to wait for the attack. But that will be over soon. I can promise you that at least."

I walked out of the meeting. I ran to my room and collapsed on my bed. 

How did my life get so complicated? All I had wanted to do was kill my family's murderer. But the murderer IS family. 

It took a lot to come to terms with the fact he had to die. He was my last living blood relation. But he was insane. And he killed the kindest, most loving person I had ever met. My mother. 

He couldn't come back from that ever. Especially not in my eyes. 

He hurt children. People who never got a chance to live. 

And if there was ever a chance I could turn out like him, I needed to die. Guess the world is lucky that one battle will soon cause the destruction of the largest threats to everyone I had ever been able to care about. 

I was unlucky enough that I survived that day. I won't let him make the same mistake twice. 

My death will be a win. For everyone, not just me. 


I hope you are having an amazing day my little beans!





Not Your Luna (Formerly His Rogue Luna)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora