Chapter Twenty Eight

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Two weeks of bracing sea air, freezing salt water, and girly conversation soon cheered Jenny up. It helped to put the troubles of school behind her. For a short time, we could forget about what was waiting for us at Netherfield Academy. I'd hoped that Charlie would be there upon our return, but my predictions had been seriously off.

Waiting in our room when we got back was Meg. She pointed out a note which had been delivered that morning. It was addressed to Jenny. I felt a weight sink in my stomach when I recognised Chantelle's handwriting. Inside of the envelope was a postcard. It depicted snowy mountains and clear blue skies. Apparently wherever they were was a haven, and they had no desire to leave it to return to school soon.

Dear Jenny,

Switzerland is paradise. We're all so happy here that we're going to stay until we get bored! We have private tutors, so we won't be back this term. Try not to miss us too much!

~ Chantelle

I read the card over and over. Jenny had put it down after just one attempt and returned to quietly unpacking her things. I didn't know how she could be so calm in the face of what was going on. I would have been calling Chantelle and shrieking at her in anger. Well, I wanted to do that most of the time anyway, but it was fully justified in this case.

'This is a joke.' I brandished the card at Jenny. 'This can't be true.'

'Clearly it is.'

'No. I'm not accepting this. Charlie had a massive crush on you! Things like that don't just disappear overnight!'

'Beth, please,' she begged, 'don't talk about it anymore. I can't do anything to make them come back. I just have to accept that Charlie doesn't –'

'Don't even say it,' I warned. 'Not when you haven't heard that from him yet. Jen', you can't just let things like this slide. If you find someone you really like, you should at least fight for them. If not that, don't give up before he's even had a chance to tell you himself how he actually feels. All you have is Chantelle's word!'

'And she's his sister. Chantelle knows Charlie better than I do. Besides, what am I meant to fight for? Just whom should I be fighting?' she asked.

'Your own ideas of good behaviour. Hell, social conventions would be a bloody good start! Look, Switzerland, right?'

'Yes. I read it.'

'Doesn't your Mum have a house out there?'

'Yeah. We only go out for the ski season, though.'

'Why not spend the winter break there this year? And if you accidentally bump into them, then that's not your fault, is it?'

Jenny pouted. 'Switzerland is a big place.'

'Then it'll be fate if you do see each other. You can't deny fate, right?'

'What are we talking about?' Lisa asked. She skipped into the room, full of energy as per usual and refreshed by the time spent away from school.

'Nothing,' I said before Jenny could spill anything.

I trusted Meg not to breathe a word. She hardly spoke two of them together at the best of times. Lisa, and Chrissy by extension, wouldn't be tactful in voicing their opinions of the situation. Even I thought it seemed hopeless for Jenny and Charlie when Chantelle kept putting herself in the way, but she might catch him alone over Christmas. If she did, then she'd have to find the courage to speak up for herself, or at least clear the air and get the closure that she so sorely needed. I wouldn't go with her to hold her hand. I would have if it had been in my power to do so, but it wasn't.

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