Servant 10: Time's Champion

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Everyone was cheering on after Decade and EMIYA's fight, then they all wanted to fight their own Kamen Rider, to make it fair they drew lots...

Which resulted in Kabuto fighting against Assassin EMIYA...

EMIYA: "Do I have too...? I don't have any reason to defeat him..."

Kabuto: "Grandma once said this: Even in a world full only with enemies, there will always be someone you must protect."

EMIYA: "What do you mean...?"

EMIYA thought about it and memories of being Kiritsugu re-surfaced and made him remember his wife who died because he didn't protect her...

EMIYA mutters: "Irisviel..."

Kabuto: "Don't think about your own motivation, instead think of how you could use it to protect others..."

EMIYA: "I don't deserve this, I've killed thousands along with my ideals betraying me..."

Kabuto: "She also said: A bond is a deep connection that can never be broken. Even if apart, heart and heart are still connected."

EMIYA finally realizes what Kabuto meant by those quotes and smiled a bit...

EMIYA chuckled creepily and was slightly angered...

EMIYA: "I was reckless when I was young. I educated myself by cursing the heartlessness of the world. The world was cruel, so I made myself more heartless and used that as a weapon, trying to follow through on my ideals."

Kabuto: "Force the world to revolve around you. It's more fun to think that way."

EMIYA: "I wish it was that simple..."

The two then enter the arena with Tendou and EMIYA on each end as the two are going to battle with two different ideals...

With Tendou who strongly believes that you can do what you can help with in the world, and it is possible to save everyone...

While EMIYA's ideal betrayed him making him believe that many will live at the cost of some lives, as it is impossible to save everyone...

The two clashing with their separate but similar ideals...

Tendou grabbed the Kabuto Zecter which flew to his hand and Tendou quickly inserts it into his belt!

Tendou: "Henshin!"

Kabuto Zecter: HENSHIN!

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Kabuto Zecter: HENSHIN!

EMIYA then used his speed to attack Kabuto multiple times but Kabuto staggered bit by bit due to the impact but didn't have any visible damage...

---Spectator Room---

Tsukasa: "At this rate, he's going to tire himself out..."

Ritsuka: "What do you mean?"

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