Chapter Eighteen- Adios, Scott

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Chapter Eighteen

Adios, Scott

"Scott! Help him!" I screamed, still beating on the glass.

"Not everyone is going to survive," he grunted still trying to pull himself into the ceiling.

"Don't let him die! You can't let him die!"

Nathan looked back at me with sadness and terror in his eyes. He knew his fate. He knew he was mere minutes, if not seconds, from death. I could only hope he wouldn't give up without fighting. My heart sank to the pit of my stomach as I watched a man I'd just met, but had quickly grown attached to, slowly accept his terrible fate. Scott continued to kick and try to get up. I heard a cracking and watched as he crashed to the ground. The zombies dove on him. He kicked and screamed trying to fight them off, but there were just too many. I watched one dressed in tight jeans, black boots, and a ripped sweater tear at Scott's arm. Blood ran down her mouth as the vacant, human-less eyes stared ahead as she chewed. I wanted to vomit. His blood curdling screams were quieted as another of the corpses tore at his neck. His lifeless eyes stared up at nothing as the zombie's feasted. Nathan's face turned a sickly shade of white, and he swayed back and forth.

"Nathan! Nathan, don't pass out!" I pounded on the locked door again.

He looked at me, almost as though he had no idea who I was.

"Come on, Nathan. You have to move it! Get into that ceiling now!" I continued screaming at him.

He looked back toward the quickly disappearing Scott.

Oh God he's in shock.

One of the undead stood and looked at us. It took a few unsteady steps toward him before Nathan finally moved. He snapped out of whatever trance he was in from watching Scott being torn to bits and launched himself toward the ceiling. He managed to hang onto a beam near the one that Scott had broken. He lifted his lower body just enough that he wasn't grabbed. I closed my eyes sighing with relief. I tried not to look at Scott's ripped and torn remains. He was right, not everyone was going to survive this. I had to come to terms with that very quickly or I'd end up like him.

Nathan landed next to me with a thud. I tried to swallow the knot forming in my throat as the tears continued to flow. He looked at me with deep regard.

"Are you alright?" he asked.

"I will never be okay again," I whispered.

"Eventually things will go back to normal. They have to."

"Not really, Nathan."

"Why do you say that?"

"You don't watch movies do you?"

"What do movies have to do with anything?" he asked.

"Nothing ever goes back to normal. Nobody ever survives for long."

"Stop worrying about what happens in movies. That's all Hollywood. There may be a way to survive. There could be a way to stop this."

"You saw how fast it spread in here." I motioned toward the increasing group of undead. "How fast do you think it's going to spread out there? Where there are billions of people, not just a few thousand."

"Stay positive."

I looked at the bloodied hallway then back at Nathan. "Seriously? Stay positive? I just watched a man ripped apart and eaten alive. How exactly am I supposed to stay positive?"

He opened his mouth as though he were about to answer but quickly closed it again.

"Exactly," I mumbled, looking out to the world outside. It was odd. Everything seemed so normal. Nobody knew of the horrors that lay inside the hospital.

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