thirty six

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(a/n as it turns out Char, Joey, and Nate have been bumped to the next chapter bc this one is already 2000 words so, sorry but hopefully this one is good with some Paramleif content 😌)

Paramjeet was waiting impatiently in the entryway with a very eager Shiloh, who jumped on us and took her littlest brother into her arms with an "Oomph," and a huge grin. "We were looking for you Hank! We were looking for you to see where Mama took you away to and the police were looking and everyone was looking for you! And you were on TV! You're a movie star! Or at least a TV star. Are you okay? You didn't have a car seat or anything and that was just really concerning for me and our aunties!"

He beamed. "Hi Shi-yo! Hank tum home! Wan' nilk in my bottle, yeah!" he told her, patting her cheek with his fat little hand. 

Halley hugged me hard, her thousand watt smile on. All was right in our world again. She went with Shiloh and the baby to the kitchen for his "nilk", and I looked at my friend blearily. "Sorry you're up at the crack of dawn," I told her.

She smiled, and there was so much less sadness in it than there had been a month before. Leif made her happy, which of course delighted me as it obviously went both ways. "Oh, it's definitely worth it," she assured me. "I saw that punch, and it was a beautiful thing." She followed me into the living room and we sank into the couch, feet on the coffee table. Mine were freezing so I piled the sea-green throw blanket on them. "Not to mention Leif is pretty hot in that whole tough-guy-in-my-floral-bathrobe way," she added with a smirk. 

I made a face. "If you say so," I said dubiously, wanting my coffee but not up for actually moving to get it. 

"I say so," she said with feeling. Her hair was loose, her pajama bottoms Leif's. I was so glad she was in our lives. 

Halley appeared with two mugs, handing me mine. "Coffee delivery," she said, giving Paramjeet the other. We thanked her. "But if you guys want to go back to sleep, feel free." She lowered her voice. "The cops are already here, miraculously."

"That was pretty quick," I admitted. The tiny Christmas lights around the edge of the ceiling and on the tree were on, the TV playing Shiloh's muted cartoon. The presents tucked under the tree added to the homey scene, giving no sign of the chaotic scene taking place out front, which I was trying not to think about.

"I know right." She kissed me and rejoined the kids in the kitchen. 

Poe's nosy ass was still outside where he could oversee and give his sage opinion on things.

"Think they'll lock her up this time?" Paramjeet asked, sipping. "Oh my God, Halley makes the best coffee."

"She does," I agreed absently, my mind on her question. "And yes. I think they will. I mean, they should, right?" I looked at her, knowing the answer.

Her face softened. "Mary. I know it hurts, even after all she's done. But you've done all you can to help her; you've gone above and beyond. Sometimes we just have to . . . let go, my friend." She patted my knee. "Your job has is not, nor has it ever been, to fix your sister."

I nodded, the words loosening something inside me, even though this was a topic Therapist Sarah and I had discussed many times. Coming from Paramjeet, it hit home for some reason.

The front door opened and Leif came in too loudly, for which the crow at his feet scolded him in a hushed voice. "Shhh," I admonished him. I didn't have enough energy for Jasper just then.

"Excu-uuse me," he said primly, shivering as he sat on the other side of her and drank some of her coffee. "Mmm, dealing with cops at dawn, my favorite pasttime. Yes indeedy. Such fun." He put the mug back down and snuggled up to her so she put her arm around him. "Warm me uuup, girlfriend," he implored. "So cold. So awake. Why aren't we in bed again? Do I smell waffles? Your sister sure fucked up this time." He shook his head. "What a dumbass. I mean I know I shouldn't be surprised? But I am."

Mary and Halley (sequel to When Mary Met Halley)Where stories live. Discover now