13. A dagger through my heart

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The farmhouse was huge, elegant, capacious and looked extremely royal and magnificent. It seemed as if it was a seven star hotel.

The time slowed down. Everything in my surrounding started to make me feel dizzy. It felt like a dramatic slow motion scene from a romantic movie.
I took few steps forward as my heart started beating in an unsynchronized rhythm. I could feel a bunch of butterflies flattering through my stomach.

The lobby was empty and chilled due to the excessive air-conditioning. There was a pin drop silence in the hall. I could easily hear my haphazard heartbeat and heavy breathing. And that's when a polite tinkling sound from the counter immediately grabbed my attention.

There he was......!
My careless handsome heartthrob who had ruled the innocent kingdom of my heart like a young and ambitious king.

My Veer! Shahveer!

Just him! And no one else!

He was facing his back towards me, busy in preparing something. Perhaps he was pouring something in lots of delicate wine glasses from a large black colored bottle as he whistled a sweet tune carelessly.

I tried to slow down my racing heart beat and calm down my extra fast breathing as I didn't want to make a fool of myself in front of him.

After mustering up a lot of courage, I finally decided to blurt out.


I almost whispered as my lungs tried to grasp for air. I was still panting!

After a few seconds, he slowly turned, revealing his beautiful and extra charming face ,while his deadly gaze pierced into my innocent one. He picked up one of the glasses from the counter and took a sip from it, taking few steps towards me while his gaze was fix on the roses in my hands which were shivering badly.

What I saw next was something totally unexpected.

As my gaze landed on his glass, it was enough to drive me pathetically insane. The spirits and morale which were high a few seconds ago, started to degrade mercilessly.

Was he drinking wine?

The least I could ever expect from him! My eyes widened with shock as he took few steps closer.

"Yes, Hooriyah?" He stared at me with his cunning and sparkling olive green eyes, the eyes I could die for!

I remained silent as my gaze was still glued on his glass, secretly hoping it to be an apple juice.

"What..?" He asked again at which I jerked.

Oh God! What happened? Why does this seem so difficult? The moment I had been waiting for since two decades was finally here, then why the hell my words seemed to be caged inside my throat?

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