Chapter 2

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Mark’s POV

“I heard you, and I said ok. What do you want? A standing ovation? Me to beg and plead for you not to reject me? Sorry I don’t do that”

Those words echoed through Mark’s head.

*What are you doing! Go get her! She’s our mate!* Mark’s wolf Aaron yelled.

*Shut up, we rejected her move on! I refuse to have a weak nerd as my mate* Mark growled back.

*correction, you rejected her. I did not and I won’t.* Aaron growled back. Mark could almost see his wolf growling and snarling at him.

Mark shook himself. He was more concerned about her reaction or lack thereof. She didn’t even seem fazed by it which shocked him to the core. He was quite a catch, he was dead sexy, star football player and future alpha of the Star pack, who wouldn’t want him? Mark walked out of the school. Oh well, at least he didn’t have to worry about her causing problems for him. He was going to a bbq tonight with his pack and he would check out all of the new she-wolves of the Midnight pack (not sure if I mentioned Katelyn’s pack name).

He hoped into Carter’s car and they took off to their pack house. On the way Mark reflected on the day.


They had moved here to escape the growing rouge problem and get the aid from the Midnight pack. He wasn’t happy about the move but his mood had gone up as soon as they stepped out of the cars at the new school and had instantly gotten the attention of all of the human females in the school. He had gotten his schedule with the rest of his boys and was pleased to see that he had classes with most of them. He was escorted to class by a lovely girl who he was sure would love to spend some quality time with him.

As soon as he got to class a heavenly scent filled his nose and his wolf went wild screaming mate mate mate! It smelled of lavender and vanilla. Mark cautiously scanned the class and his eyes came into contact with his mate. As soon as he did he wanted to growl, his mate was a nerd! He couldn’t be seen with her! He immediately started to ignore the scent. Not bothering to try to figure out more about her, like what pack she was in or her position. Needless to say his wolf was pissed. After class he wanted to find out if she was as big a nerd as she looked. He turned to the female hanging off him. Julia, he thought her name was.

“Who was that girl in the back of the class?” he asked.

“Which one?”  

“The one in the black hoodie”

“Oh, that’s Katelyn. She is such a loser nerd! She doesn’t have many friends and she doesn’t talk to many people. Most everyone just ignores her. But less talk about her, I’m definatly hotter and way more interesting” Julia said her voice going from bitchy to seductive.

“oh baby you are so right” Mark purred in her ear and lead them to class. The rest of the day he spent ignoring his mate and slowly working up his way to getting down Julia’s pants. His wolf was pissed and stopped talking to him.

/back to the present

“Dude we’re home” Carter said snapping his fingers in front of Mark’s face.

“Shit, sorry spaced out there” Mark replied.

“tell me about it” Carter rolled his eyes.

Mark hopped out of the car and went into the house with Carter following.

“Hello boys!” Mark’s mother Eve yelled from the kitchen.

“Hi mom!”

“Hi Alpha”

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