SCP-100 - "Jamaican Joe's Junkyard Jubilee"

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Item #: SCP-100

Object Class: Euclid

Special Containment Procedures: SCP-100 is to have six (6) guards patrolling the interior of the perimeter's fencing, and two (2) guards dedicated to the monitoring of the interior and exterior of both warehouses and the residential building, with rotations to occur every three (3) hours. Any unauthorized personnel found within SCP-100 are to be detained for questioning, prior to amnestic administration and release.

Three (3) guards are to remain within the storefront of SCP-100, with rotations to occur every eight (8) hours. The storefront front entrance is to remain locked at all times, with keys provided to necessary personnel. 'Private Property' and 'No Trespassing' signs are to be posted on the front of the storefront to deter any drivers from stopping at SCP-100.

Any constructs SCP-100-1 creates are to be removed from SCP-100 and melted down into slag, with the exception of SCP-100-2-A and SCP-100-2-B. Should SCP-100-1 become uncooperative, SCP-100-2-A and SCP-100-2-B may be removed from SCP-100 until the time that SCP-100-1 becomes cooperative again.

The largest of the two (2) warehouses within SCP-100 has been converted into a basic research facility. All objects created by SCP-100-1, excluding SCP-100-2-A and SCP-100-2-B, may be used for research purposes. Testing on SCP-100-1 itself may only be conducted with written permission from the acting Head Researcher.

Description: SCP-100 is an abandoned scrapyard eighty (80) kilometers from █████████, South Carolina, known as "Jamaican Joe's Junkyard Jubilee". The scrapyard covers roughly five thousand (5,000) square meters of fenced-off land, consisting of two warehouses, a storefront, and a small residential building, as well as neglected land and land used for storage. SCP-100 holds roughly fifteen hundred (1,500) vehicles, both pressed and unpressed, as well as roughly fourteen hundred (1,400) kilograms of separate scrap, estimated to be worth $5,000 (€3,870).

SCP-100's anomalous effect manifests through SCP-100-1 and its constructs, including SCP-100-2-A and SCP-100-2-B. Autonomy is lost when SCP-100-1 or one of its objects cross the fenced perimeter of SCP-100, remaining in this state until reintroduction.

SCP-100-1 is an autonomous, sapient, humanoid construct consisting mostly of copper piping, uninsulated copper wiring, and aluminum cans. SCP-100-1 lacks the ability for written or verbal communication; however, it possesses the ability to communicate using rudimentary sign language. SCP-100-1 is largely uninterested in conversation outside of sales, and information gathered from it has been limited. SCP-100-1 appears to possess skill in craftsmanship, demonstrating the ability to operate tools such as arc welders, drills, and power saws, as well as heavy machinery such as car compressors and forklifts.

SCP-100-1 possesses the ability to create autonomous constructs similar to itself, using material available within SCP-100. SCP-100-1 tends to create four (4) specific animals - iguanas, crocodiles, turtles, and flamingos - however, SCP-100-1 has been known to craft other species, such as domestic pets. To maintain compliance, SCP-100-1 has been allowed to keep two (2) objects, labeled SCP-100-2-A and SCP-100-2-B.

SCP-100-2-A and SCP-100-2-B are constructs superficially resembling insects, assumed to be created by SCP-100, as they have occupied SCP-100 since the initial discovery of SCP-100. The names "Raymone" and "Beatrice" are welded into the backs of SCP-100-2-A and SCP-100-2-B, respectively. They appear to operate as both companions as well as guards for SCP-100, as they patrol the perimeter of SCP-100 except during intervals of interaction with SCP-100-1.

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