Chapter 56

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Are you ready Love?

Artemis takes one final look into the mirror hearing the love of her life's voice dancing in her head. Her hands slowly running over the silk fabric of her now flat stomach. The dress framing her frame like a glove. Her hair is braided just enough to hold it back. The braids merging together behind her head as her silver threads run the length of her back. The queen having done her hair earlier this morning let her be as the events finally settled in. 

She glances over to baby Liam who is sound asleep on their bed with Vatalanie coiled protectively around the young boy. Turning back to the mirror for one more glance she feels her nerves beginning to get the best of her. She closes her eyes and takes a deep breath. Glancing out the window of the chambers, she can see the clear heaven skies showing a beautiful day. It appears even the god's are blessing this day. 

She turns to the door opening the chamber doors to her husband. He stands their in his royal attire with his sword dangling at his waist. Artemis can not help but do a once over lucky to call this man her own. 

While she is glazing over him, he is appearing to do the same. His eyes leisurely taking in all that is his silver beauty. He still believes the god's sculpted her personally. How could one person hold such beauty... mind and body. He knows he is one lucky man... Her dress made of silver silk true to her nature. Her hair is down her back but pulled away giving clear view of her hypnotizing metallic irises. A smirk appears on his lips realizing her eyes have become darker and her emotions are beginning to run through him. Her desire for him is almost overwhelming his senses. 

He steps closer gently gripping her neck to pull her lips to his. Instantly molding as they have done since the first time. Artemis can not focus with her emotions being overwhelmed not only by herself but Caspian's as well. The sparks tingling her lips wanting her to ravish him to no end. 


Caspian stops his fervent movement against Artemis' lips and pulls back enough for air to pass as his eyes remain locked his beloved. Her chest rising and falling as she attempts to regulate her breathing while also staring longingly at her husband. Neither bothering to look to the intruder who begins stepping closer to them. 

"Prince Caspian, I do believe we need to get moving." 

He nods listening to Navene giving one more peck to Artemis before stepping away. Holding his arm out. She places her hand in his while Cass giggles at her brother. Navene taking a glance into the bedroom giving Vatalanie an appreciative nod who returns the gesture before placing her head near Liam's. Closing the door, he graciously takes the princess down to the great hall. 

At the door's entrance, the four can hear the chatter within the hall. Navene and Cass give the couple a hug before making their way into the bustling hall. Artemis hearing the sound feels her muscles go stiff. Caspian instantly rubbing her back in reassurance. He knows what this day means not only to him but to her. 

You are a warrior, my queen... Nothing to fear

She scoffs hearing him making him appear amused at her. She clears her throat straightening up once again. Caspian tugs her to turn towards him giving him her full attention. Taking both of her hands into his own and pulling her close so their foreheads touch. The action causing Artemis to release a breath she was unaware she was holding. 

Both turn towards the door as the guards open them simultaneously. The hall going instantly quiet. Artemis can feel her heart attempting to beat out of her chest. Caspian turns forward once again and helping his distressed wife coil her arm into his. 


Everyone stands still staring at the silver beauty. The woman watching with astonishment while the men look on with lust. Caspian grits his teeth and tugs her closer not liking their eyes upon his beloved. The couple walks graciously to the front of the hall where they see King Casden and Queen Analee standing proudly watching them. Lil Mira protectively in a bassinet next to the queen's throne with Goliath standing tall in front of her. Once again Navene and Tesara are standing next to a sitting princess Cassandra. 

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