Chapter 8

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Chapter 8

Third Person

Morning light trickles through Adrian's window, scattering little dots across the floor. Her blue eyes squint open, the daylight waking her up. Today was a new day, a new week actually.

She had school today, another fateful week of it. She still hadn't gotten used to this new routine and she still missed being homeschooled.

"Princess are you up?" Her fathers' gentle voice meets her ears, her bedroom door creaking open.

Adrian sits up and rubs her sleepy eyes. "I'm up." She mumbles not all that thrilled about it either. The weekend went by too quickly, now once again she would have to endure yet another day of discomfort.

Her father chuckles. "Alright sleepy head, your moms got breakfast downstairs. Your day awaits you." He says shutting the door with a click.

A sigh leaves Adrian's pink lips, hopefully, today would be a good day.

Her eyes skim her pale yellow bedroom, settling in on the window seat. For a moment she lets herself watch the leaves silhouette dapple her floor due to the beaming sun. Adrian admired the light patches, it's almost like the sun itself can dance.

Her purple baby blanket laid right next to her pillow, scrunched in a ball. For some reason Adrian was attached to it, she slept with it every night right under her head.

She groggily lifts her cream comforter and rolls out of bed, she then walks over to her dresser like a complete zombie. Opening the drawers, she takes out a tannish peach graphic tee with a world map in the center and a pair of cropped jeans.

Pulling on her clothes, she tucks in the front of her shirt, then loops a belt into her jeans and buckles it hastily. In her half-asleep state, she stumbles as she pulls on her special socks that go with her checkered vans.

Adrian never took long to get ready, she didn't wear makeup or spend an hour in the bathroom just to do her hair. Her morning routine was simple and sweet, she got dressed, brushed her hair and teeth, and then ate breakfast.

Sometimes she let her mom braid her long hair, but a majority of the time she just wore it straight and down tucked behind her ears.

Her feet lumbered down her stairs, like any other day she wasn't looking forward to leaving her parents to go to school. It was another day where her tremendous shyness would lead to her extreme anxiety.

Without her mom by her side for most of the day, Adrian has to work extra hard to keep her feelings in check.

"Morning Adrian." Her mother calls from the kitchen.

Adrian walks in, her brain still foggy with sleepiness. "Morning." She takes her seat at the kitchen island resting her cheeks in her hands.

Her dad smiles. "There's my girl."

"I made breakfast, are you hungry?" Her mom asks, sipping her coffee.

Adrian's dad stands next to her mother, his hand wrapped around her waist expressing his affection towards her. Her dad and mom really loved each other.

Adrian shakes her head. "I'm not that hungry."

Her mother's brow furrows in concern. "Are you sure, you can't go to school without eating Adrian."

Adrian nods absently. Sometimes when she just wakes up, she doesn't have much of an appetite, it depends on the day.

With a glass of water, she swallowed her pills, under her parent's supervision. They watched to make sure she took them because Adrian was known for skipping them. Sometimes if she was lucky her parents would forget and she wouldn't have to take them, she never brought them up in hopes of not having to swallow the medication.

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