Chapter 18: Cotton

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Ryan POV
Emma's still not responding to me. After I held her I assumed she fell asleep in fact she hasn't woken up.

I rush out the room with my angel in my arms and straight to my mother.

"Mom Emma won't wake up!" I yell as I round the corner and nearly run myself into her.

"What do you mean she won't wake up?" Crack crack. We both look at Emma who's arm is breaking in front of me.

"She's shifting." My mother mumbles just above a whisper.

"We need to get her outside. Ryan take Emma outside I'll call the doctor!" And with those words I run I run straight into the field directly out the back door. Emma's fathers their before I know it with my father behind him. We all watch as my beautiful mate shifts unconsciously. Theirs no whimpering or sign of discomfort she just lays their asleep as her body changes into her other half.

Her legs break and reassemble sprouting fur as well. White fur covers her body her wolfs incredibly skinny and malnourished. And yet I'm still drawn to her.

She's a pure white wolf. We all gasped at her wolfs appearance. Who would've known my mate would be the rarest of all wolfs.

The doctor comes quickly and that's when my world breaks and my heart shatters.

"Alpha. She's too weak her wolf will die tonight along with Emma herself." He states his head down waiting for dismissal.

"No! She won't die! Emma won't die! She'd never leave me!" I yell out screaming in his face. He doesn't look me in the eye just cowards away.

My mate won't die. Emma's only fifteen! She's smart and beautiful. How can she leave me? She loves me!

I lift my mates wolf in my arms. Once we touch she shifts back into her human form. Taking my dads shirt from his hand I dress my mate and carry her up to my room. Laying her gently on my bed. Emma's still unresponsive.

I lay down next to her carful not to move her pale body. She just lays their as I brush my fingers through her silky hair praying to the moon goddess that my mate will be okay in the end.

Soon Emma's father comes in and I tear myself away from her giving him the time he also needs to mourn.

Emma POV

I open my eyes to white. It's all white I try to sit up but can't. I can't hear anything it feels like someone stuffed my ears with cotton and when I try to speak I can't hear anything I'm saying.

I can't think straight and then it once again becomes dark.

I don't know how long I've been asleep but when I open my eyes it's all white once again but this time the cotton is removed and I can hear everything clearly.

"Hello?" I call out hoping for a response.

"Emma! It's me Declan. I'm your wolf." I turn my head at the voice to find a pure white wolf stand before me. She's weak but even so she's still a sight to see.

"You're fully white?" I ask curiously.

"Yes I am." She replies.

"Where are we? I question as I look around the vast white space of emptiness.

"You're mind. We are very weak right now. We shifted early." She responds looking down at her paws she whines.

We shifted early? That means we could die.

No we can't die we have Ryan and I love my Ryan. How will he live without us. He can't mate with some other wolf.

"He can though" my wolf responds to my thoughts. She too gets jealous at the idea of Ryan with another she wolf.

"Declan we need to wake up!" I yelp.

I breath in deeply trying to connect myself with my body. I feel a small pull and I hold onto it urging my eyes to open. That's when I see it a ceiling. A ceiling I've seen so many times before. I turn my head finding it extreme hard to do so. Their lying beside me is my handsome mate. His arm is laying across my waist.

"Ryan." I whisper using all the energy I can muster.

His eyelids fly open to reveal his blue irises.

"Emma! Oh Emma. Baby I love you don't leave me." He pleads tears escaping his eyes.

"I'm not going anywhere." I respond closing my eyes once again and falling asleep.

Ryan POV

When Emma woke up the first time I thought it was all just a dream and then she went back into her sleep. She didn't die as the doctor had said. She was still breathing the next morning her heart rate was weak but she still woke up every once in awhile and when she did is feed her chicken broth to help her regain her strength.

After the third day of her being on bed rest Emma woke up entirely and only took a short nap in the afternoon. The day after she got out of bed and ate at the diner table. I hadn't let anyone other than I see my mate.

When she had finally went down stairs everyone looked as if they had just seen a ghost.

The solid food helped her gain weight and strength. By the end of the week Emma wanted to show me something she said 'it's a surprise.'

Saturday night Emma walks into my room is a T-shirt and exercising shorts.

"Come on Ryan." She whispered grabbing onto my hand. Her hands were so soft and I could feel the splendid sparks that erupted from our bond through our touching skin. Touching Emma was intoxicating and even more now.

I followed Emma hand in hand. Down stairs out the front door and into the woods.

"Emma what are we doing? I need you to go to sleep your tired." I tell her but to my shock she just ignores me and pulls me deeper into the woods until we reach a clearing.

"Stay here." She says sternly. I nod my head and when she returns their in front of me stands a beautiful white wolf with piercing violet eyes.

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