Chapter 22

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Sorry for the mistakes🙏🙏🙏🙏

"Hyung, i want to eat i-icecream please." Taehyung batted his eyelashes innocently.

Jin looked at him totally done, "Why, didn't you eat enough earlier?" He asked as if Younger didn't finish his whole bucket just ten minutes ago.

Asking to Hoseok who gave him entire bucket as Taehyung used his doe eyes to ask.

Seriously, this kid is so manipulative without even trying.

Taehyung pout and laid his head on Jin's lap.

"Are you trying to coax me?" He asked, caressing younger's hair.

"No, I really love your lap. It's comfortable" Taehyung whisper softly.

Closing his eyes hugging elder's waist, nuzzling his nose in the tummy.

Jin's heart swell with adoration.

Unconsciously, eyes brimming with tears.

He leaned his head down and pecked Taehyung's soft hair lovingly, whispering "Saranghae."

Taehyung looked up at Elder with doe eyes full of curiosity and asked, "What is the meaning of I Love You Hyung?"

Elder's face scrunched in pain.

A choked sob burst out as his heart ached with unbearable pain, realizing that Taehyung is unknown to such words or feeling.

This human doesn't even know what is love as he was never raised in loving environment where such feeling as love can bloom in his pure crystal heart.

"O-oh b-baby." He hugged Younger, cradling him in his arms as if he would disappear if he doesn't hold him protectively in his arms.

Younger also started to cry unknowingly.

His oblivious and innocent heart ached for Elder, who is crying for him.

Truly, this two brother has the most endearing bond.

"H-hyung s-sorry i-if i-i m-made a m-mistakes D-don't c-ry h-hyung i-i d-don't l-like it." He whimpered wiping Jin's tears with his soft and delicate hands, making Elder close his eyes at how much this human care for his tears.

After long-time Jin have shed a tear and there is someone who is willing to wipe his tears while sympathizing with him. Oh, what a relief.

They sat there hugging each other, both sniffling and hiccuping.

"Taehyung-ah when you care for someone,
to not let them hurt,

to protect them without expecting

It is called love.

You just need to know that for now." He tried to explain, as he also himself doesn't know what the accurate definition of Love is.

Rubbing Taehyung's back, who is resting his head on his chest.

"L-like y-ou d-do t-to N-Namjoonie h-hyung." He asked, making Jin stiff.

He looked down at Taehyung with sad smile and with pained expression nod his head.

"And like we all Hyung love you." Jin giggled and kissed his nose, making Taehyung giggle too.

Others are out in the mission.

Taehyung, Jin, bodyguards and maids are in the mansion.

Jin thought for a second, debating if he should do it or not.

"Taehyung-ah, do you want to go outside with me?" Taehyung looked at him, nose red, eyes puffy.

Younger nods cutely, sniffing, making Jin kiss his forehead again.

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