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Art above drawn by, Sonium-JM

1.) Her full and real name is Nancy Gale (Hawthorne? Just kidding. Fuck that bitch though, he sucks).

2.) Her aliases are: Nemesis the Proxy, Nemy (by those close to her), spider tamer (which people mistake her for, as well as spider whisperer), arachnid lady, lion (due to her unruly hair), Slenderman's pet (literally the creepypasta version of teacher's pet; imagine Slenderman being an actual teacher), Slenderman's plaything (by jealous proxies due to her closeness to Slenderman, as well as Slenderman's pet), and Nemo (by me because Nemy autocorrected to Nemo).

3.) She is 20 years old.

4.) She is born on November 8.

5.) Her zodiac sign is Scorpio (literally almost every psycho is a Scorpio).

6.) She is 5'5" tall without roller skates, and 5'9" with them on (I love a women who skates 😤).

7.) She's 70kg (or about 154 lbs for them Americans. Me, I'm the American).

8.) Her nationality is Euro-American.

9.) She is heterosexual and aromantic.

10.) She is best described as introverted and mostly enjoys the company of her pet spider, Geneva, is quite intelligent and intuitive, restless and determined (especially when it comes to tasks), has a quick temper (and will strike without warning when provoked). She can also be reckless, hence all the scars and stretches on her body. Seldom shows her gentle side (a must have for any creepypasta OC).

11.) Her weapons include a yo-yo with retractable blades and daggers. The yo-yo was made by a college friend named, Hiroshi (the Asians are too strong for us normal peeps). The yo-yo strings contain thick spider silk that come from Geneva (it's a genetically engineered spider apparently). It was made before she joined Slenderman as a proxy. The daggers she uses as a secondary weapon. Two of them have sentimental value from who-knows-where. The other one doesn't (when even daggers aren't safe from third wheeling).

12.) Her typical targets are people who have done wrong such as high status people who abuse their power, gangsters, murderers, etc. (the awkward moment where most of the people you work with, including yourself, are the type of people you dispose of).

13. Her killing methods depend on each target. Even so, her preferred killing method is to slowly torture her targets while reminding them of their wrongdoings. Most common method (perhaps when she's on a time crunch, or not feeling herself?) is slicing her victims up, gutting whilst they're still alive, and strangling them. If her target realizes what they did was bad and feel guilty about it (more like just scared of their life), she'll spare them the suffering by simply stabbing their heart. If they aren't remorseful, she'll continue her torture.

14.) She is obsessed with spiders (I can see that) and cinnamon sweets, and likes her little sister, rollerblades (also a means of travel), reading, puzzle games, art, boxing, criminology, cryptozoology, being on her own, and... wait, hold on, let me read this again... um, BL manga. (I really can't tell if she was the bullied one, the one who beat up everyone, or both). Anywho, moving on.

15.) She dislikes bullies, corrupted humans (in her case, apparently leaders / law enforcers although not all of them are corrupt), criminals who have escaped justice, schoolwork, meetings / lectures, girly stuff (especially pink, even though pink is a perfectly fine color), social events, and large crowds.

16.) Her most recognizable traits would be her Venetian styled, white mask adorned with thorn vines at the side, unruly brown hair, the many scars on her body, the yo-yo kept by her side, often carrying Geneva on her head, and her covered right eye.

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