Chapter 11- Warning

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Chapter 11 - Warning

I've been running for I don't know how long now. No matter how hard I pushed my legs it wasn't enough. Howls and padding of paws were gaining on my flight for survival. Pushing my legs further, I kept going. Dodging trees and jumping over bushes, I caught sight of a cliff up ahead. Thinking there was no where to go, Luna had a different idea. Listening to my wolf, hoping that her idea would get me out of this situation I ran towards the cliff and when it seemed like the last chance I would have, I quickly changed my direction to the right of the clift, barely missing the edge. I growled in annoyance when I noticed they were still following me. Still pushing my legs I ran, dodging left and right, trying to get out and back to my pack. Seeing a light I was ignited with a sense of hope and freedom and I willed my legs to keep going for the little bit even though they were burning with the need to rest. Just when the hope had ignited it had gone way to soon then it was wanted to when more wolves came out of the clearing. Walking around me in a confined circle, snarling at me.They started to advance on me, but stopped in submission. I was confused yet relieved but it didn't last long. Pushing through the mass of bodies came the person who crushed my relief and turned it to fear. 'You'll be mine again, you'll see. Until next time, you better be ready.' Leaving my body shaking on the inside, Aden stalked his way out of the circle to be unseen.

I woke up panting heavily, finally finding the ending to my reaccuring nightmare. But whats is it? What does it mean? Shoving the clutter of thoughts to the back of my head that started the pounding in my head, I relieved my sleepiness by stretching with a big yawn. I got dressed and then descended down the stairs to find James sitting on the couch in the living room.

"Where's Blake?" I announced my presence with a question. Upon hearing my voice James turned his body to face me and replied, "Pack meeting, and speaking of pack, what did you think of them?" His question made think back to last night.


Standing in front of the pack house's backyard, I felt beyond nervous. After being her for about a week and with everything that has been going on Blake and James thought it was a good idea for me to meet the pack, but standing here I began to think otherwise. How will they take it? I kept questioning myself. I felt like I was disturbing there peace by coming in and becoming part of the pack so suddenly, like I was taking over full power. Silly I know but it just didn't sit right. Exhaling a big breath, I shifted on my feet thinking how this could go over until I was snapped out of it. 'How will you ever find out if you don't get your butt in there?' My wolf questioned smartly, knowing she was correct. Pushing past my nervous facade I advanced to the backyard in smooth, nonchalant strides trying to be cool and collected. Making my way into the backyard I peer over the tops of the many strangers heads looking for a familiar figure. Catching sight of James and Blake, I see them sorrounded by a bunch of dudes. I contemplated on going over there, I didn't really want to be around strangers, but from looking around not seeing anyone else familiar it was the only option.

Walking slowly over, once I reached them I sent out a quiet hello to James and Blake. The conversation soon stopped and I looked up to see friendly smiles on everyones' faces. I look down slightly uncomfortable with all their gazes on me and shift from foot to foot, rubbing my elbow which seems to be a habit of mine when I'm nervous. "Haylee, I'd like you to meet our best friends." James said. Pointing to a guy with short styled brown hair, James said, "This is Parker." Parker was pretty tall and muscular. The thing that surprised me is unlike the others he had a baby face with blue eyes and tan skin. He then pointed to another guy and said, "This is Luke." The guy whose name was Luke gave me a friendly smile and said hi. Compared to Parker, Luke looked completely different. While Parker had brown hair and blue eyes with tan skin, Luke had short dirty blonde hair with brown eyes and pale skin. Next up was a guy whose name was Will. His skin wasn't as pale as Lukes but he had long blonde hair, not the pony tail long hair just the kind were you can do hair flips, and brown eyes. "Then there's Vance." Looking towards Vance, who had long dirty blonde hair styled up, with brown eyes and a small tan. The last person to be introduced was Mason. He also had a baby face but not as much as Parker did. Masons has dark brown hair and brown eyes, also with a slight tan. After introductions I felt more comfortable. Out of all the boys I felt like I was more comfortable around Parker. After spending time with him I found out that he was quite the joker and he was also Christines mate. Thinking about the two together they seem like a cute couple, look wise they fit together and personality wise because they both like to joke around and are fun to hang out with.

After everyone had arrived, Blake went up and called everyones attention to him. "I have a very important announcement. I would like to welcome you, new member of the pack and Luna, Haylee Fisher." All I remeber is feeling everyones eyes on me, feeling nervous I shuffled on my feet until Blake started talking again, gaining their attention back and away from me. When the speaking part was over with, I decided to freshen up. Walking inside the pack house, I went in the public bathroom. After doing my business, I go up to the mirror and rake my fingers through my hair, but I'm stopped when I hear a voice. "Look who we have here." Two girls stand, the one who was talking, now smirking, being flanked by the other. Just looking at the one, I can tell that she's the pack wh*re. I've heard of them before, but I didn't think they were existant. Until now. Standing in front of me was a girl who was wearing a tank top a size to small that pushed her boobs up along with a pair of short shorts that was sporting off a very desperate camel toe. Yikes. Can someone spell desperate?

"What do you want?" I ask not at all interested. She looked at me and growled lowly in her chest.

"What I want? What I want is for you to stay away from my man."

I snort and look at her appearance. The other girl just stood by her side not really doing anything. Awesome side kick haha. "And which one of your 'men' would that be?" I question with a smirk plastered across my face.

"B*tch, who do you think you are?" She snarls.

"Me? Oh why I'm Haylee Fisher." I say with fake innocence plastered on my face. "Who would you be?"

"Kelly Wheeler." She smirks like she's a big shot. I snort, she's definately not.

"That's cool, now stop acting like a big shot and get out of my way because you are definately not worth it." I said and with that I left the wash room.

*Flash back over*

"It was okay I guess. Ran into little miss camel toe." I said shrugging and sitting indian style next to him on the couch.

"Little miss who?" James questioned obviosly not seeing past my nickname.

"Kelly." I said my voice void of any emotion. "Wanna go for a run?" I asked needing to have time to think about everything going on.

"Oh herand yeah we can go for a run." Getting up we made our way to forest and shifted behind a tree. After walking out from the tree I look over to him before taking off. One thing special about me is my speed. I'm incredibly fast. With the wind whipping past my fur my wolf takes over fully. After a while of running, my mind clutters through everything thats been going on and halts when it gets to my continuoius nightmare. Knowing that it felt so real everytime I dreamt it, gave me an uneasy feeling and then I replayed the events over again in my mind. Even through the amount of panic and running that I did, I could still notice the big picture that had many things stringing together. The group of wolves, notice that I said group of wolves chasing me not pack because it didn't have a distinct smell, nothing that tied it together. The smell wasn't good smell, it smelt toxic. Which only meant one thing. They were all rouges. Lastly there was the two things that my wolf has been trying to tell me. Two things that did not ease my trouble. One, it involved Aden. Second, is what he said, "You'll be mine again, you'll see. Until next time, you better be ready." Shifting behind a tree, I thought over the words and put it all together. Gasping, I turned towards James to already see that I had his full intention.

"What's wrong?" He questioned with worry etched across his face.

" It's a warning." I speak in a panicked voice.

"What is?" He questions expectantly.

"The nightmares I've been having. We need to go. Now." I say and in quick strides I was running not even bothering to shift. James right behind me. The closer we get to the pack house the more noise and movement is seen and heard. Quickening my steps I head in the direction of Blake and hear him yelling out orders to the trackers and warriors, while they then raced into the woods.

"What's going on?" I question with panic.

"A rouges sent was picked up four miles out." Blake said his tone serious. Even in my panicked daze I could still make out the clear concern and worry etched across his face. Needing to know what happened, I spoke up.

"What is it." Even though it was a question it came out more demanding. I stood there staring expectantly at Blake, seeing his armour of hesitance fade away unwillingly. I never knew two words could make your heart stop and fill with fear knowing your time ran out. And those two words? "It's Aden."

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