Chapter 4

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I couldn't believe it, it's just a tiny knife made by Ruth to open oysters. A knife to open oysters. A ward made by the god of order was torn open by a knife to open oysters. Was the ward too weak or the knife too powerful? 

That night after the mortals left with empty brains and pockets full, I returned to the surface of the lake. I toyed with the tiny oyster knife hidden in my hand. Was the knife too powerful or was the god of order not as powerful as I thought? Should I try? Maybe I could succeed in killing him! But with an oyster knife? Back then Ruth spent years finding the perfect materiel for the dagger that killed a god and years to polish that bone into a dagger that could pierce a god's soul.

Was it a trap? Or had the god of order really grown weaker? 

Who cares if it's a trap or not? I thought. I either succeed or fail. If I fail what other punishment could befall me? Killing me? That'll be great. I have had enough with this prison.

 Entertained by this idea, I once again sat on the grassy border of the lake. I hid the knife in the grass. 

"How many years have I been imprisoned here?" I asked. 

"I thought you have been keeping a record of that," he replied. 

"When will my imprisonment end?" 

I was met with silence. This conversation had happened before and would happen again. I wished I could end it here. 

"We are enemies. We tried to overthrow you gods. We lost. I understand that. It's war. Why didn't you gods kill me like what you did to my brothers and sisters. The more powerful beasts. Those who started the wars? Because I was the youngest?" I snickered. "I was already a thousand years old when the war happened. I was not young. I did not need your mercy. I'd rather you kill me than being imprisoned here forever. What's the point of having a life like this?" I covered my eyes with my forearms. Water seemed to slip down my face. 

I heard footsteps behind me. I whispered, "Aren't you tired? Guarding a prisoner day in day out? While the other gods live freely, look at the god of light and his wife who has infringed the order of life. Because you're the god of order?" I smiled as I heard him kneeling next to me. 

My smile widened as I stab him with the knife. Before the knife touched his heart, the knife shattered into million of pieces in my hands. Some pieces slashed into my hand. Blood dripped from my hand. 

"Ah, I failed again." I smiled with regret. "An oyster knife really won't work." I looked at my bleeding hand and giggled. I must look like a lunatic, but who wouldn't turn into a lunatic if one was imprisoned in the same place for three thousand, two hundred and sixty one years?

He was looking at me with that tiny frown on his face again. 

"What? Come on, punish me. I tried to murder a god. Kill me. I committed the same sin again," my lips stretched into a bright smile. 

"You have committed the same sin every three hundred years. It's been four hundred years since you attempted to assassin me. I was getting worried," he stated calmly. 

"Oh it's been four hundred years? What did I try to do last time?" I giggled again. "Then are you finally angry with me this time? Care to punish me?" 

I was met with silence. 

"Was my acting skills alright? Did I fool you?" I giggled. "Just what did I do to deserve this? My brothers and sisters were either killed or put into deep sleep and sealed into mountains in your godly land. I envy their punishment. What did I do? Because I lured the poor innocent Rachelle? Because I hypnotized Rachelle to kill the god of light? Do you love the dear ethereal beauty Rachelle too?So is this your revenge?" I giggled crazily. 

I heard him sigh again. "I get that. I will not buy you books featuring that old friend of yours again. Stop grating my ears with that hideous name. With the plan your family devised, only the god of light would fall for that."

"That's why we chose the god of light, he is such a fool." I laughed maniacally. "He was the only god who believed in true love at first sight. He didn't even notice he was hypnotized. By me." 

He took hold of my injured hand and silver light began to circle my hand. The wounds started to close and the blood disappeared.

"Aww I thought you'll let me bleed to death. I was looking forward to that!"

"You can't die with such a small wound." 

"Then why did you heal them? Just let me bleed. I won't die anyway." I flicked my tail in the water. "Oh right, you're afraid I'll smear the blood on you. Why didn't I do that just now?" 

With a tiny sigh, the god took out a flute. "It's time for you to sleep, Lorelei." Music flew out from the flute. I bit back the urge to sing. I could no longer do that with my coarse wretched voice. Slowly, the turmoil occupying my brain slowly subsided. I started to fall into deep sleep. 

I knew when I opened my eyes again, decades must have passed. That's why I assassinated him every three hundred years, not because I was stupid, but because I wished to be put to sleep. To fall into deep sleep, to escape this torture. At least for a few decades.

And my warden knew it. That's how our game of cat and mouse continued in this perfect balance.  For thousands of years and for many thousands to come.


Author's note

Ahhh I really like this chapter! What about you? ;) Do tell me what you think! See you next time!

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