12. New Hopes

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Samaira wiped her tears with the back of her hand - this is not something new. She is habitual of her loneliness. She sent a message to Ritika about her rank - she was not feeling like talking anymore.

She walked upstairs to her room and sat there near the window. She can see the whole beautiful city from there: searching for someone, maybe.

She missed her parents, her uncle. At least she could share her happiness with him.

She sighed while sadness shadowed her face.

Her phone buzzed, breaking her thoughts. She saw the number which brought a little smile to her lips.

"Maa..." She said, receiving the call.

"How's my Samaira doing??" Arunima asked.

Samaira's eyes watered instantly hearing her mother-in-law's comforting voice. She could feel the love in her voice.

"I... Am... Good..." She breathed out the words with so much difficulty. She bit her lower lip to control the sob threatening to come out of her throat.

"Beta, what happened?"

"Gautam... Please come..." Arunima has sensed the quavering in her voice. She looked at her husband, who was sitting on the couch reading a book. He too became worried.

"Put it on speaker," Gautam said to Arunima. She nodded and put the call on speaker.

Samaira could hear them talk. She took a deep breath and smiled.

"I'm good, Maa. Dad, don't worry." She said. She could visualize the worried faces of them.

"How can they love me so much?"

She smiled despite her lashes wet with tears.

"No Samaira, you were crying. I can feel it. Now tell me what happened? Did Abhimaan do something?" Arunima's voice fell at the last line.

"No... He didn't do anything." Samaira shook her head.

"I have good news to share with you," Samaira said.

Arunima looked towards Gautam with confusion.

"What?" She asked.

"My entrance exam, one that I told you about some days ago... I've secured 123rd rank in that," Samaira said, waiting for their reaction.

She doesn't know if this will be good news to them or not. But it matters to her a lot.

"That's so amazing." It was Gautam, who said.

"This is truly fantastic news! We are very happy and very proud of you." Arunima said with a smile.

"Thank you... I wish you could be here today." Samaira said with a pout.

"So what if we are not there? Our blessings are always with you." Her mother-in-law replied.

"Samaira, now you need to start preparing for your admission. Don't be late, else the seats in all prestigious colleges and universities would be full." Gautam said in a serious tone. He was also very serious about Abhimaan's studies.

"Let her take a breath, Gautam." Arunima rebuked her husband who, in reply, rolled his eyes.

"Yes Dad, I'll check the list as soon as it's available." She replied. Her heart was now filled with a new set of tensions.

After that, they talked for some time. She sat there in silence for a little longer, reflecting about life which did not seem that bad.

"I'm lucky to have this great family."

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