Chapter Seven

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All right, last chapter to put up until I was back where I was…ironically enough, I had updated, but I think you’re going to have to wait for Chapter Eight (haha that rhymed) cuz my mom is yelling at me to get off the computer. So, thank you for reading and I’m sorry for all this hassle…anyone reading this for the first time will be super confused, but I’m sorry again. Thanks! :D

Gracias! <3 vb123321

Chapter Seven

♥         Astrid       ♥

Astrid, I swear, if you say anything, I will kill you.”

And I killed you…

Sleep left me with the speed of a peregrine falcon, causing my head to jerk up wildly as I groped for reality. Charlie’s intense, desperate face was still prominent in my mind, and I had to do a complete one-eighty look-around to figure out where I was. Josh glanced at me as I shoved stray hairs out of my face, apprehension flashing in his eyes even as he remained silent. I took a deep breath, forced my heartbeat to get under control, and then readjusted the pillow I had propped against the window.

“Bad dream?” asked Josh in a neutral voice.

I shrugged in an attempt at casualness. “Just the usual.” Pulling the fleece over me again, I rested my head against the pillow, watching the scenery as it flew by behind the window. Josh, to his credit, said nothing, keeping his eyes on the road as he stretched one arm above his head and shifted slightly in the driver’s seat.

“Wish I could sleep.”

We had left Delta early in the morning two days after Young had told Josh his little surprise announcement. It was not without suspicion that we had departed – as much as I wanted to return to Michigan, go after Cloying and Jay, and find out the truth about Pierre, I wasn’t unreasonable enough to think Young was having a fit of holiday spirit. It was most unlike him to think as such, and so I was forced to admit that Josh’s theory about him using us was most likely accurate. But, try as I might, I couldn’t bring myself to care about this too much and told myself to concentrate on what I needed to accomplish.

It had been so much easier than I had expected – except for one small factor. Darcy. She wasn’t too pleased when I told her that Josh and I were leaving for Michigan for a few weeks. Even though she had known me for only a couple months, she seemed to be able to tell that I had something else on my mind, and she wanted to be part of it. I managed to console her by promising to keep her updated, but she still watched with an unhappy expression as we pulled out of the parking lot that morning.

I had a heavy suspicion that, one way or another, she would be part of this whole mess very soon.

Now, Josh twiddled with the heat settings, rubbing his hands together. “I hate this weather,” he complained. “The rest of me is overheating from the warmth of the car, but my fingers stay freezing.”

“Maybe you should wear gloves for a change,” I suggested, wrapping my fleece more tightly around me. “Or wear something more than a sweatshirt.”

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