Xavier Knight

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Xavier P.O.V.

I've always liked the gang life. My father Michael Knight was the leader to the strongest gang in New York "The Vipers." My father passed the leader title to me a year ago when he felt that I was ready and the time was right. My father and mother are still happily married after all these years. When my father found my mother he automatically knew she was the one. He told her all about the gang life and about being the leader to that strongest and biggest gang in New York. My mother was okay will all of this because she was in love with my father. My mother said she didn't what his job was as long as she got to be with the love of her life. I have a younger brother named Aiden Knight. He as well is in the gang along with my bestfriend and right hand man Ryan Collins. Ryan and I grew up together since are moms are bestfriends.

We are known as the "bad boys" at school. Everyone thinks we are some cold hearted, evil, and sinister. That may seem that way to people we don't care about, but to our family we are normal teenage boys. I've always told myself that I would never act that way towards my queen because she doesn't deserve it. She'll be treated like the queen she is. Both of us are playboys, but we never let the one night stands stay in our bed. We believe that the only girl that is allowed in our beds are our queens. Neither one of us have found the one yet.

Since I've become the leader of "The Vipers" everyone cowers in fear at the sight of me. "The Vipers" have a lot allies with different gangs around the world in case there is ever a gang war. There is over 500 people in my gang all together. We have gang members all around the world, but we have the most here in New York were I'm currently living. Ryan, Aiden and I all live in a mansion together since we didn't want to live in the gang house or with our parents. I know how to cook since my mom taught so I could impress my future wife with knowing how to cook. So most mornings I make breakfast for all three of us. All three of us know how to cook, but I am the only one who gets up in time to actually make all of us breakfast. My parents always taught Aiden and I how to treat our queen when we find her.

I know when I find the one that I will always love and cherish her for the rest of our lives. I don't care if she's in a gang or a nerd I just want her. I've been looking for her for 2 years now and there's still no luck on finding her. I'm starting to think that she doesn't exist. I've looked all over New York during my free time or even during gang meetings in other states or city's. Where ever I have looked I haven't been able to find her. I know I shouldn't lose hope, but I can't help losing it.

After searching for her for a full year before I even got the gang and missed months of school to look for her all over the world I still ended up empty handed. Once I came back from traveling looking for I decided to focus on the gang, but still look for my queen during my free time or when the gang travels somewhere else. I can't help, but have a feeling that this is the year I am finally going to be able to find my queen. Obviously, I don't exactly when I will meet her, but I have this feeling it's going to be very soon. I'm happy I have this feeling because whenever I have a feeling it's always right.

If this feeling is right then I get to be the love of my life finally. I've been waiting for so long to feel her in my arms as we sleep at night. I've imagined the feeling of being able to wake up next to the love of your life in your arms in the morning. My father says it's the best feeling he has ever had in his life. He never thought he could feel so complete every morning and night being with my mother. I want to have that feeling with my queen finally after waiting so long for her and searching all of the world to find her.

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