Part 23

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What the fuck, Avery groans, Sonya taking full control and scampering through the trees.

Don't blame me; you didn't fight him off either, Sonya responds in a snooty tone, flicking her tail as she slows her run to a slow walk, sailing through the trees with ease.

I wouldn't have let it go much further, Avery cries out in indignation, and Sonya rolls her eyes.

Oh yes, you would have, you were just afraid of the consequences that you'd have to deal with after, her wolf bites back before the two simultaneously put up mental blocks and go about their own business.

Avery makes sure that she knows where they are, while Sonya sniffs at everything, enjoying her time shifted.

She doesn't like being cooped up, and Avery admittedly feels guilty for keeping her locked up for almost two days.

Her run earlier helped a little to release some tension. Still, she decides it's probably best to allow Sonya to run free for an hour or two, just playing and wandering around her new surroundings, figuring out her new favourite spots and figuring out where to avoid.

Well, don't go near the swamp, Avery mutters, and Sonya releases a 'harrumph' noise, ignoring her as she sprints around the circumference of the swampland.

Going further into Lancaster territory, Avery finds a clear lake and glances around.

Silently padding into the lake, she shifts back into her human form, gazing over the surroundings of the lake.

Walking further into the lake, the water is now just below her shoulders, and she squints at the trees surrounding the water suspiciously, convinced that somebody is watching her.

She's paranoid, but she'd like privacy, which is a bit of a weird ask when she's the one who is naked in a very, very public lake.

Laying on her back, Avery releases her bun, letting her body sink a bit so that the water covers her entirely.

Her hair soaks up some of the water, becoming remarkably more cumbersome as she begins to get herself upright, treading water the entire time.

Another nervous look around, and something catches her eye this time.

She can see something sparkly at the bottom of the lake, and Avery quickly weighs the pros and cons of the situation.

Positives, she could get some new jewellery out of this, all while working out some of her nervous energy. Negatives, she could drown, but that could get her a day or two off from work, so she wasn't too fussed about it.

With that thought, she took in a large breath, before directing herself straight down to the object.

Quickly and powerfully paddling to the bottom, she swipes the object up and misses.

"Fuck," she shouts underwater, quickly resurfacing and getting another breath.

Giving herself a minute to breathe, she then swims back down, this time successfully grabbing the object, and holding onto it tightly as she hurries to the top of the water.

She isn't a big fan of swimming, but she is a fan of free things, so she'll lose some to win some.

Wiping the water out of her eyes, and pushing her tangled mane behind her ears, she squints at the object, examining the metal and jewels closely.

She realises after a minute that it's a ring on a necklace, a thin golden chain and a beautiful ring with emerald and amethyst coloured stones adorning a plain band.

Staring at it curiously, she surveys the area around her, squinting for anything else in the water.

Putting her head under the water, she opens her eyes and looks in every direction, but nothing catches her eye.

With a slight frown, she resurfaces again, slowly wading towards the shallows.

She cuts her foot on a rock as she steps up the natural steps of the lake, cursing quietly to herself so as not to attract any unwanted attention. She still isn't entirely sure that she's alone here, and so, she shifts once her wolf will be able to paddle.

Picking up the necklace from one of the steps she left it on, she holds it carefully in her mouth, before taking off at running speed again, heading back to the packhouse in the most direct route she can identify.

Sonya is just as curious about the necklace, but she feels odd about having it, and so, she hides it in her mouth, being careful not to bite down on it or swallow it.

Avery appreciates the effort, and as she comes up to the packhouse, the main door is open, so she runs right in, her paws pounding against the wooden flooring.

Some ladies shriek as they see her bounding towards them, only for her to skid a little bit and veer up the stairs with a wolfish grin, the golden metal of the necklace gleaming between her teeth.

"No wolves in the house," a lady shouts after her, her face a picture of outrage.

Avery bounces up the stairs, her tail hitting everything around her, including a wolf cub who looks extremely startled until a wolf passes him by.

Avery makes it to her room, and forces the door open with her paws, discovering a pile of clothes outside it that she'll deal with later.

Sniffing her room as she walks in, she can only identify her own scent, so she releases a sigh of relief, dropping the necklace on the side of her bed that's furthest from the door, and shifting.

Hurrying over to lock her bedroom door, she catches a glimpse of herself in the mirror and winces a little, dirt covering half of her body, and her hair full of seaweed.

She didn't even notice any in the water, but she was more focused on not being spotted.

Swiping the necklace off the ground, she brings it into the bathroom with her towel and comb, staring at it curiously as the stones catch the light.

The lake water has washed away any trace of scent or evidence of its owner, probably long ago.

It doesn't seem to be in any way rusted or tarnished, so Avery rinses it with some shampoo before putting it beside her jewellery box for inspection later.

Letting the water run for a moment, she gets in and starts scrubbing her hair, thoroughly disgusted by the colour of the water that comes out of it.

Sonya chooses now to come to life, practically smirking.

So, you need to figure out what you're gonna do about Alpha Roman, her wolf cackles, and Avery winces a little, having momentarily forgotten about that predicament while she was finding the necklace.

I'm gonna do nothing, Avery responds adamantly, rinsing her shampoo out of her hair, and deciding it's probably best to do a second shampoo.

But you have a date with him tomorrow, Sonya smirks, and Avery rolls her eyes.

Friendly outing, not a date. Besides, I doubt he'll want to see us after that trick you pulled today, Avery scolds, cringing at the memory as she moves onto conditioner.

Oh, after what you did, he'll definitely want to see us, Sonya cackles, projecting the memory of the two getting hot and heavy against a tree into Avery's mind.

"Jesus Christ," Avery mutters out loud, shaving her legs while her conditioner stays in.

The biggest downside of being a werewolf had to be how fast body hair grew; she'd end up looking like Sonya if she left it too long.

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