Chapter 21

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Zyra's pov

Christmas went by like a breeze, but other than that it was fun. I got gifts from each of my family member, but the gift that i actually find quite significant was my dad's, it was a personalised charm bracelet. I was a bit shocked to see the letters of my name on the bracelet, it actually made me forget the unfortunate event that happened with weston.

I didn't even bother to ask again why was he acting like i was talking to a serial killer, but he did inform liam and Alistair about me talking with Kyle. And now all of them were keeping a close eye on people i talk to outside the house. Like there was this one time i was video chatting with stacy and vince at the garden when liam saw me and asked me who i was talking to, but i reassured him that it was my friends back at new york.

But today since i was home alone again i wanted to look for Kyle at the park and ask him a few questions, like what he meant by me being careful and stuff, and why does my brothers hate him like he's some kind of mosquito that intends to pass them disease and drain all their blood.

Once i was dressed and finally looked like a decent human being i left and started walking to the park, i was taking my time walking since the weather was quite nice.

When i finally reached the park i started my search for Kyle hoping to spot him on one of the benches near the pond but he was not there. I looked for him for a good thirty minutes but still no luck.

i finally gave up looking for him when i actually got to search the entire park. I let out a sigh and decided that i won't find him here today so i started walking back home.

While walking my mind was very bothered and confused and i hate this feeling! its like stacy telling me that she has a secret and that she dont want anyone to know about it including me. but girl.... You already told me you have a secret and now i want to know what that secret is all about but she wont tell me so ill be very bothered and confused the entire day trying to figure out what is she hiding!

Its very annoying....

I sighed again when i heard my tummy growling thinking about stressful things makes me hungry..... Its like math but its not your stomach complaining its your brain.

I was about to reach the gate of the mansion when someone grabbed me and put a cloth over my nose preventing me from breathing properly i was about to scream for help but the stranger covered my mouth. I was starting to get very weak and sleepy, i think its from the scent coming from the cloth over my nose, then before i knew it.... Everything was black.


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