7. The After Effects

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Hello everyone 👋
How are you all ?? 😊
Hope you all are doing fine..
Here is another update..


Third person's pov

The men threw her unconscious body on the very same silent street from where they kidnapped her.

It's been a week since Dhriti's kidnap. The police was trying hard to find her as well as her culprits but was unsuccessful. Her sister Swati was still in Mohali along with Atharva. She was not talking to anyone and always sitting alone since a week. Atharva and his family were tensed for both Dhriti and Swati.

Dhriti's family didn't care much. They were busy in wedding functions of their lovely son Rakshit. They were just tensed that involvement of police has effected their family's reputation. Rakshit was disappointed with his family's behaviour.

He was tensed for his sister and was getting daily updates of his sister's missing case on regular basis from Atharva.

Like everyday Rakshit called Atharva to know about dhriti's case:

Rakshit- "Hello Atharva.. "

Atharva- "Hello yes bhaiya (brother)..
I know why you have called.. There is still no information.."

Rakshit cut the call. He was regretting not picking up his sister's call that day. He was angry with himself that he was not able to protect her sister. He was regretting ignoring his sisters throughout his life.

Just as Atharva placed the phone on table after Rakshit's call, he received a call from police officer who was head of Dhriti's case.

Officer- "Hello Mr. Atharva our team has found an unconscious girl on the same place where we have found Dhriti's phone.... Maybe she is Dhriti only but.....her condition is not good.. Our team has taken her to XYZ Hospital.. you should come soon"

Atharva was happy to listen that finally Dhriti is found but was tensed when he heard that her condition is not good. He informed Swati and his family but didn't tell them about her condition being unwell. They rushed to hospital.

XYZ Hospital

They reached hospital and saw head officer there. Atharva went to him followed by his family. He thanked him and asked about Dhriti's condition.

Officer- "Well Mr. Atharva i think its better to ask doctor only...
When we found her she was in a bit compromising condition"

They were confused and not able to understand what police officer wanted to say.

Atharva's Dad- "My child what are you talking about.. what happened to Dhriti.. please tell clearly.."

Officer- "Uncle we... actually...when we found Dhriti , her whole body was covered with bruises , blood was oozing out of them and her clothes were torn... I am not sure... But i think this is case of Rape and abuse.."

He spoke with sadness in his voice as it was difficult for him to tell girl's condition to her family specially when the persons are known to him.

Swati , Atharva and his parents were shocked to hear that. They were not able to react that what has happened with such an innocent soul. Swati for whom Dhriti was her soul sister, friend and just like her own child went numb. Atharva didn't know how to console Swati as he himself was not able to think anything.

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