Chapter 14

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The rest of the night was spent with the three soulmates snuggled up on Izuku's bed. He was still a bit woozy from the pain so Hitoshi and Shoto refused to let him go. Not that Izuku was complaining at all.

Eventually all three of them just passed out, although Izuku was asleep first and the other two collectively decided to stay.


Izuku released a groan as he slowly woke up the next morning. He vaguely remembered the events from the night before, which would explain the numerous arms wrapped around his waist.

Carefully, so he doesn't wake them up, he wiggled his way out from between his two soulmates and sat at the bottom of his bed. He looked back at the two sleeping boys before dropping his head into his hands and thinking of what the fuck he was going to do now.

Izuku heard rustling, but didn't bother moving his head to see which soulmate it was. The fact that the hug he was pulling into was half warm and half cold was a dead give away.

"What's wrong?" Shoto asked him, being quiet so he wouldn't wake Hitoshi.

Izuku forced a smile as he shook his head. "Nothing, just seeing if I was okay when I wasn't touching you guys yet." He partially lied.

Shoto nodded, unsure if he was actually telling the truth or not. "And?" He prodded. Even if it was a lie, Shoto still wanted to know if he was okay or not.

"Just a small headache, I should be fine for school today." Izuku answered with a strained smile.

Shoto's eyes narrowed at the sight. He had been around Izuku enough in the past year to know when his smile was fake or too forced. "Do you want to stay here today? Try tomorrow?" He asked.

There was more rustling and then suddenly Shoto's arms were gone and Hitoshi's head was in Izuku's lap, burying itself in his abdomen as he hugged him tightly. "I vote for staying here." He mumbled.

Izuku's smile switched from forced to subtle and fond.

Shoto relaxed when he saw it, grabbing hold of the hand that wasn't twisting itself through Hitoshi's purple locks. "It's up to you, Midoriya." He said.

"Izuku," Came the very confusing response.

"What?" Shoto asked, his brows scrunched together.

Izuku shifted his gaze from the tired Hitoshi to the confused Shoto. "We're soulmates, right? Doesn't that constitute to first names?" He questioned with a raised eye brow.

A soft giggle was heard from Izuku as he caught sight of Shoto's light pink blush.

Hitoshi looked up at the green haired boy in awe. Then he looked over at Shoto and seemed even more star struck.

Izuku noticed this and nudged Shoto's arm. "I think we broke Hito." He stage whispered.

Now it was Hitoshi's turn to blush.

Izuku broke down in a laughing fit at the sight. Turns out it was contagious, his two soulmates both lightly chuckled along with him.

Once the laughter died down, Izuku leaned back against Shoto with a content look on his face. "Let's just stay here today, we can deal with the real word tomorrow."

Both Shoto and Hitoshi thought his words were a little off. What did they have to deal with in the 'real world'? They just didn't know if Izuku wanted to be so far away from them so soon.

"Okay." Shoto answered softly, placing a kiss on Izuku's forehead.

The sudden and intimate action shocked Izuku, who looked up at the half and half boy with wide eyes and pink cheeks.

"This is ridiculous. Why are we suddenly all blushing school girls?" Hitoshi spoke up, still just casually laying in Izuku's lap.

Shoto placed his head on Izuku's shoulder so he could look down at the other teen. "In all fairness, Izuku just blushes a lot in general."

That did nothing to ease Izuku's embarrassment and his face just heated up even more. "I do not!" He tried to argue.

Hitoshi laughed at his outburst. "Izuku, you're redder than a tomato." He pointed out, lifting a hand to pinch one of Izuku's cheeks like that one aunt that doesn't respect personal space.

Izuku swatted his hand away and wiggled his way out of both boy's hold. "You guys are bullies!" He called as he booked it out of his room, laughing loudly when they finally registered that he took off and came running after him.

"Excuse me? Are you seriously running from us?" Hitoshi shouted after the smaller teen, who kept his mouth shut tightly, unsure if Hitoshi would use his quirk to try and catch up.

"Damn it, I was hoping you would fall for that." Hitoshi mumbled, but only Shoto could hear, seeing as he was right next to him.

The half and half teen playfully rolled his eyes and started down the stairs, seeing as that's where Izuku was heading. "Jesus, I thought he didn't want to go to class today." He said to Hitoshi as Izuku disappeared out the door to the common area.

"Yeah, I thought we'd get to like, cuddle all day or something. I didn't know this included exercise." Hitoshi said with a huff, but Shoto knew he wasn't being serious.

When the two of them made it to the ground floor, they did a quick sweep of the room, finding Izuku easily. He was trying to hide behind Kaminari, but the blond didn't seem to know what he was doing and just kept trying to turn around and talk to him.

They started their way towards him and Izuku shot a glare at the electric quirked boy. "You're the worst hiding place ever." He hissed before taking off into the kitchen and placing the counter between him and his soulmates.

"Why're you running from us?" Shoto asked with a tired sigh, but his mouth was slightly tilted up, showing that he found Izuku's behavior at least humorous.

Izuku shrugged with a small smile. "Gotta keep it interesting, y'know? Spice up the relationship."

Hitoshi rolled his eyes at the green haired boy as Shoto and him started to slowly move towards different ends of the counter. "We've been in a relationship for not even twenty-four hours. There's nothing to spice up." He pointed out with a small smile of his own.

Izuku looked contemplative for a few seconds. "Well if you take into consideration that the whole time we've been together, all we've done is cuddle in my bed, then this would definitely be spicing it- Hey!" His mumbling was cut off when Shoto grabbed him and threw him over his shoulder like an old sack of potatoes.

Hitoshi smiled at Izuku from behind Shoto. "Hey yourself."

"Oh, this is not helping my headache." Izuku muttered, rubbing his temples while upside down. He faintly caught sight of Hitoshi's frown, but didn't really register it because a few seconds later the world was spinning again.

Suddenly he was on the couch, Shoto's arms wrapped around him tightly and Hitoshi plopping himself down right next to them. They basically ended up the same way they were in Izuku's room. Shoto was sitting at the end of the couch, Izuku leaned against his side and Hitoshi's head in the greenette's lap.

A frustrated cross between a groan and a shriek was heard, making all three boys look over at Jirou with wide eyes. "Can someone please explain what the fuck is going on lately?!"

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