Chapter 22

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With all my belongings packed into a backpack, I stepped into the shower. My whole body ached, the last man I'd killed was a true work out. Not that he knew anything of worth. 

Barely a minute into the shower, I listened to the bathroom door begin to creak and froze. It could be nothing, but a draft, but then I heard it open further. I popped my head out of the shower curtain. 

"Nice to see you again, English." Before I knew it, my right hand was handcuffed to the shower railing and I was staring down the guy I had escaped from 2 weeks ago. 

"You're kidding."

"Aaron, I've got her." He called out, completely ignoring me as I leaned over to turn off shower with my free hand. 

"So what now? You take me to Dominic, cash in that 1 million prize, go out with the boys to drink cheap beer and celebrate the death sentence you've carried out on billions of people?"

He raised an eyebrow, "You've got some serious problems, English."

"Says that guy that just attacked me in the shower." I spat back.

I then watched as a scrawny blond man scramble into the bathroom. The tips of his ears instantly reddening as his eyes locked onto me standing handcuffed in the shower. Not knowing what to do with himself, he panicked and tripped over his own feet which sent him flying to the floor. He couldn't have been older than 20. This was their tech support?

As he fell, he reached out to grab onto something and accidentally gripped onto the shower curtain which pulled it free from the rail. He landed gracefully in a pile on the floor with the curtain landing on top of him, leaving me completely exposed.

The gym man averted his eyes at least whilst I tried to cover up what I could with one hand.  

"Nice one kid." I mumbled, looking curiously at the mess of a person trying to scramble out from underneath the curtain. I sighed in disbelief that these were the people trying to kidnap me.

Before long, another man had barged into the room. One of the muscular friends I saw. His dark complexion made his giant toothy grin stand out even more. The grin spreading even wider across his face as his eyes looked me up and down without any hesitation.

"I guess it's a party now."

"I'll party with you any time, hot stuff." He flirted, casting a playful eye.

I scoffed loudly. "Gross."

"Here." Gym man muttered as he took off his jacket and handed it to me.

I took the jacket with my free hand. "That's very sweet of you and all but with one hand handcuffed to the rail, I don't really know how I'm going to put it on."

"Figure it out." And he walked out of the room. "We need to move now, before crazy gets any more ideas of escaping."

I slide my free arm into the jacket sleeve. "Yeah imagine wanting to escape being kidnapped."

"Herc remove her from the railing and bring her." Gym man called from my bedroom.

The muscular man started to stalk towards me. I raised an eyebrow, slightly amused, "Your name is Herc?"

As he reached up to unlock the handcuffs, he smiled at my interest in him, "Short for Hercules."

I snorted, trying to figure out if he changed his name to fit his body type or trained hard enough to make sure his name wasn't ironic. As soon as my hand was free, I slide my other arm into the jacket and zipped it up. It fell to my midthigh and that was good enough I suppose.

"Something funny, gorgeous?"

"She's obviously laughing at your name Herc." Aaron answered as he stood sheepishly in the corner of the room, adjusting his glasses on his face.

"Well, I'm laughing at your name and how much it will hurt when you hit the wall." Hercules snapped his head back to me, just in time for me to jump up onto the shower railing and kick him in the chest. He went flying across the small room, and hit the wall with a bang.

I watched as the small guy flung himself against wall, staying clear out of my way.

Hercules' gruff voice called out as he tried to get back up, "Hunter!" I ran from the bathroom, into the bedroom, catching the eye of the other muscular friend of gym man. His face was entirely void of emotion. He started marching towards me just as Hercules stormed out of the bathroom behind me, a frustrated expression painted on his face.

I started a small run before dropping to my knees, sliding across the carpet and between muscle man 2's legs. I scrambled back up to my feet and spotted my gym friend in the corner of the room, looking unbothered by the situation.

"Hunter! Do something." Hercules boomed at gym man whilst throwing his arms up in the air.

His name was Hunter. I suppose that was shorter than gym man. Hunter barely acknowledged me.

I jumped up onto the bed as I heard Hercules running up behind attempting to grab me. But as soon as I went to slide off the other side, I found the muscle man 2 standing there. With no other option, I grabbed onto the light fixture hanging from the ceiling and used it to swing myself across the room. As I let go, the force sent me flying through the window, where I then landed on a small balcony that belonged to the room two floors below me.

I dusted off the glass as I briefly looked back up, to see Hunter peering down at me, looking very amused. I climbed over the balcony railing, lowering myself down onto the next balcony. The wind blowing across my bare legs, reminding me that only a jacket was keeping me decent right now.

I dropped down every balcony until my feet hit the ground. The loud echoing of metal brought my attention back up to the building I'd just escaped from, where I saw Hunter clutching onto one of the balcony railings. The muscles in his arms were straining against his sleeves just before he suddenly let himself go and caught himself on a few balconies down.

I wasn't waiting around to see him get to the floor, so I started sprinting.  As soon as I thought I was far enough away, I stopped. My bare feet screaming in pain and my skin now ice cold. I slumped against a random wall, trying to remain hidden in an alley as I rubbed my arms vigorously to warm them up.

"You aren't giving up, are you?"

My stomach flipped. I quickly pushed myself away from the wall, finding myself staring at Hunter. "How do you do that?"

I could see his smirk from here.

I grit my teeth together as I reached into the two pockets of the jacket. And as I suspected, I  pulled out a small metal device. They were tracking me.

I angrily threw the device against the wall and watched as it shattered.

Then with my fists clenched, I started to stride towards him. "You ready to get your ass kicked, Hunter?"

"By the infamous Lexa? Always."

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