Chapter 26: Fun

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Anya's POV:

"You know Anya, a picture would last longer" Michael said making me snap out of my thoughts and I quickly turned my head away to stop staring at Leo having lunch with Dranes and that her nosy friend

I told them everything that happened between I and Leo on Friday at Brandon's party and as usual, they thought that I was the wrong one. I've noticed lately that no one is ever on my side.

"It's obvious you miss him, just go talk to him" Luna said
"I won't talk to him until he learns his mistake" I said stubbornly
"Well, you're the one missing out because he seems to be having a good time with Hermione" Renne said and honestly, that pissed me off. She was just as nerdy and stupid as Dranes was, looking at her all I see is Dranes. After all, Michael did pick her over me...........Just like Leo picked Dranes over me

"Did I ask for your opinion, you nerdy do gooders should learn to mind your own business" I said standing up angrily tossing her cheese burger to the floor"
"Are you insane?, why would you talk to Renne that way?" Roxy shouted at me angrily also standing up
"It's not her fault you dumped your boyfriend" Luna said while Tyler and Michael stared at me surprised
"Anya, your sassiness and egoistic nature was what made you and Leo to break up, I can easily get a new burger for my girlfriend but Leo can never love you again" Michael said calmly before taking Renne's hands and walking away with her
"Who needed them anyways?" I say taking my seat but Luna gave me a disgusted look before leaving with Tyler
"What's her problem?" I asked anger still in me
"You're her problem, you're everyone's problem, you're even a bigger problem to yourself" Roxy said rudely before walking out on me.

Let them all go, I don't need them anyways, they were the ones who needed me.
I ate my food all alone and I soon got bored and lonely so I went to the next table which was filled with different guys and sat there with them. I don't need Leo to get my reputation. I can have it my way.


Leo's POV:

"Study pages three hundred and four that is what we would be using for our next class" Mr Noah finally said after the bell rang

Finally school was over I walked over to Hermione's table and she gathered her stuff as we were about to leave the class together with Nikita when Michael walked over to me with Renne
"Hey bro" I say to him
"Hey, I heard what happened between you and Anya, I think you made the right decision" he said back to me with a smirk
"So you are with Hermione now?, do you love her Leo or are you just trying to make Anya jealous?" Renne asked
"I don't really know, I wanted to actually just make Anya jealous at first but somehow I enjoy spending time with Hermione"
"Guy, you've only been with her for just like two days now, how can you already start 'enjoying' her company?" Michael asked making sure to put air quotes on 'enjoying'
"I know but I've actually enjoyed those two days, she's the first girl I've ever dated that actually respects my privacy and feelings too, remember Sarah, when I wasn't giving her attention, she broke my phone, Trini always eavesdropped on every conversation I had on the phone, Charlotte never cared for my opinions on our place for a date even Anya, didn't care how much I really loved her, she was the one that hurt the most but do you know what happened at Brandon's party ?, Anya kept bothering us and insulted her many times but she still left I and Anya alone to have a conversation, this shows that she cares about my privacy, I know Anya won't do that for me especially since the girl I wanted to talk to was my ex"

"So you are in love with her?" Renne asked again
"I don't know, I.........."
"OK, Leo let's get going" Nikita said interrupting my statement though
"Hi, Niki" Renne said
"Hey, Renne, you haven't been having lunch with us ever since you started hanging out with bad boy over here" Nikita said referring to Michael

Remember Renne is kind of nerdy?, well, she was actually close friends with Hermione and Nikita before she started dating Michael and I know since then she doesn't have lunch with them anymore as she always seats with Michael but whether or not she still hangs out with them outside the cafeteria, I don't really know.

"It's not like that Niki, you know I always attend our sleepovers and movie night but lunch, I just have to go with Mikky" Renne said
"I know Renne, I was just pulling your legs no need to be too serious" she said and they both laughed
"Are we going to go home or we are going to keep talking about your girly activities" Michael teased
"We are going to go but Niki would have to come with us so these two love birds can have a drive home alone" Renne teased referring to I and Hermione and of course, Hermione blushed
"I like that plan, let's get going" Nikita said and without another word, she left the classroom with Leo and Renne leaving just I and Hermione as every other normal person has gone home.

"Shall we malady?" I asked
"We shall" Hermione said with a huge smile on her face as I take her hand leading her to my car.

She is actually the first girl to ride in my car among all of my 'girlfriends' except from Anya of course

"So, are you tired or you want to have some fun?" I asked
"What type of fun?" She asked shifting uncomfortably in her seat
"No, not that type of fun Red, I didn't know you were also a pervert" I teased her and she shook her head letting her hair fall on her face to cover up a blush but I saw it anyways
"Forgive me but my boyfriend just happened to be the biggest player at school, why won't I think that way?" She also teased
"Wow, your boyfriend must be a total jerk" I said and she laughed which also made me smile
"So what type of fun is my boyfriend talking about" she said hiding a smirk. Just then I stopped the car in a rapid pace, opened my side door and ran out of the car and of course out of shock she followed me screaming my name

"What's wrong Leo?, Leo answer me you are scaring me" she said and I finally stopped running and stood in one position panting as she finally caught up with me
"What where you doing with you face Hermione?, if that was a smirk then you've totally ruined smirking for me" I said laughing and she punched my stomach and surprisingly, it hurt

(Not part of the story though but doesnt Hermione punching Leo in the stop remind you of Hermione Granger and Draco Malfoy? Hehehee)

"Ouch" I yelled out but she ignored my groaning
"Is that why you ran out of the car like that?, you scared me" she said crossing her arms against her chest with a frowning face
"No, that's not why I ran, I ran because we are here" I said giggling
"The place I brought you to have fun" I said and that was when she raised her head and took a good look at her surrounding.

We were in a garden, not just any garden, this garden was at the backyard of Brain Freeze. I brought her to brain freeze and yes I have also brought Anya here and this was our favorite place, this was also the place I and Hermione had our first date, bringing her here again is going to be really special

"Wow, this is beautiful" she exclaimed twirling around the garden
"Silly girl, I haven't brought you to a backyard of a restaurant, we are going to the restaurant" I said emphasizing on the 'to'
"But this place is so beautiful, look at those flowers" she said as she went to pluck some sunflowers.

I actually brought her here to have some fun and since she likes it out here then I suppose there's no need to go into the restaurant. I got the car and drove a little closer to the backyard garden and ordered two big bowls of bubblegum ice cream for both of us.

I sat down in the car seat watching her enjoy nature with a smiling cute face.

To be honest, I don't see what she finds exciting about a bunch of flowers, grass and dirt but for some reason seeing her happy made me happy and that got me thinking of what Renne asked me in school.

I've only known her for two days now (if you don't count that night we actually really met each other) can I really be in love with her or is she just healing the wounds I got from falling in love with Anya?

Author's POV:

Heyo ma pips,
How have y'all been?

What did you guys think of this chapter?
Is Leo in love with Hermione or just healing his wounds?
If you think he is in love with her then comment a ship name for them

Don't forget to vote and comment
Stay home and stay safe guys, love y'all


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