Chapter 124: Weekend edition

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As Harry held onto Gemma's elbow under his invisibility cloak on their way back to the lift to return to the Center, he heard the decisive footsteps punctuated by a metal tip cane that signaled that Augusta Longbottom was approaching them. Neville was talking with Gemma and didn't seem to notice.

Harry tried to alert Gemma by making the walking sign on her arm, but she must have thought that he meant that he wanted to walk faster because she sped up a bit. He tried to remember the sign for grandmother, but the gap had closed and suddenly Harry was aware of Mrs. Longbottom's presence by the prickle of little hairs standing up on the back of his neck. She had a unique aroma, too. It held the scent of the other older women he'd met... but it wasn't as strong as Aunt Petunias and it definitely had a more witchy flavor... more of cloves and oils than lotions and perfumes.

Under the invisibility cloak, he felt freer to really sniff and try to identify her odor than he would have knowing that she'd see him sniffing the air.

"Neville, where have you been? I told you to meet me at the floo at half-past eight. It's nearly a quarter to nine!"

Harry felt Gemma startle and he pulled back, worried that Mrs. Longbottom was going to tread on him as she advanced on Neville and Gemma.

"Oh, Gran. I'm sorry! I lost track of time!" Neville squeaked.

"And who is this young lady? I thought you were visiting your mum."

"Gran, this is Gemma Boot. She came with me to visit mum. She's a friend of mine from the Center... a friend of Harry's. Oh, oops. I probably shouldn't say that out here in the corridor. Su-su-sorry, Harry!" Neville stumbled.

"Neville, what are you going on about?" Mrs. Longbottom snapped.

"Gemma, this is my Gran... Mrs. Longbottom," Neville said, continuing the introductions. Harry lessened his hold on Gemma's arm so that she could sign more freely.

"Oh, dear. Well, it's nice to meet you—and nice of you to keep Neville company while he visits his mum."

"Gemma, my Gran said that she's pleased to meet you and that she thinks it is nice that you came with me to visit my mum," Neville translated for his grandmother.

"So, she can't hear? Or speak?" Mrs. Longbottom asked Neville. "Hmmm. Was it spattergoit? Ah, poor thing. What's the charm you used to make the papers?"

"Scribunt loqui," Harry filled in without thinking as he could hear Neville struggling to remember.

"Who said that?" Mrs. Longbottom said as she jumped back a step.

"It's just me, Harry," he said and he stuck a few fingers between the gap in the cloak and waggled them at Mrs. Longbottom. He had inadvertently reinstated the charm again and the paper was pressed between his cheek at the cloak. He ended the charm.

"Oh, child—you gave me a fright. How utterly ridiculous that you're still having to hide from that reporter! This has just got to stop. I'm going to owl Madam Bones as soon as I can, mark my words."

Neville was trying to repeat everything his Gran was saying so that Gemma could keep up with the conversation. Finally, Mrs. Longbottom stopped talking so that she could learn the charm and though she struggled to make it work at first, finally, Harry could hear the paper crinkling in the air by her head.

"Well, I suppose this charm will be handy when we visit tomorrow for family visiting. It was nice to meet you, Gemma Boot. Harry, we'll see you tomorrow."

"Bye, Harry," Neville whispered as he passed close.

"Bye," Harry said as Gemma started down the corridor.

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