Chapter 1

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You stood outside the office, your hands trembling at your side. Fear shot through you the way it always does when you hear his name. The name that was now engraved onto the door in front of you.

Lee Chin-Hwa, CEO.

"Come in," the man called from the other side. With one last deep breath, you willed your body to stop shaking as you opened the door and stepped inside.

"You wanted to see me?" you asked, knowing exactly why he called you to his office. He did it every time you went to an event.

"Ah Y/N yes, please take a seat," Mr. Lee said, gesturing to a chair. You sat down and stared at the desk in front of you, refusing to make eye contact. "How was the award show?"

"It went well Sir. We won Best Female Group," you responded. Please be satisfied, please be satisfied, please-

"And what about Artist of the Year?" Your heart dropped.

"Not this year Sir."

The CEO's eyes hardened. "Who won?"

You hesitated to respond. You knew that this information is not new to him. He knows who won, who always wins. He just wanted you to say it.

"Who won Miss Song?" he asked again, stressing his words to show he was not happy.

"BTS did Sir," you closed your eyes, scared of what was going to happen next.

"Are you happy about that? Knowing your precious boys won yet again. Knowing they are becoming more and more successful every year," Mr. Lee stood up, infuriated.

You didn't answer. It didn't matter whether you did or not, his reaction would always be the same.

"Did you speak to them?" his voice dropped a few tones as he walked up to you.

"I did not. When they came to speak to us, Chanmi and Jaehwa unnie pulled me behind them. I made sure not to touch them," you still refused to look up at him.

He hummed, "Good."

Is that all? He isn't going to hurt me this time? I finally gave him the response he wanted to hear?

You were wrong. You were always wrong.

Lee grabbed your hair, jerking your head up to look at him. You bit back a startled shriek. "I bet you wanted to reach out to them didn't you? Just one brush of your fingertips to theirs. I bet you wanted to scream 'I'm here! It's me, your last soulmate!' didn't you? Huh?? Answer me!" his voice got louder with every question.

"I didn't." Lie "I do not need soulmates like them who are arrogant and greedy for fame and wealth." Lie. You knew they were neither greedy nor arrogant. You knew how kindhearted and humble they were. Your members made sure to tell you all about the soulmates you could never meet.

Lee smirked, "I'm glad you think that." He leaned in to whisper into your ear. "One day, I'll make sure you forget all about your little soulmates. Two more years until your contract is over. Then, you'll be mine." He let go of your hair and walked back to his desk. "You may leave now. Have a good night, Miss Song."

You couldn't leave the room fast enough. You felt a familiar knot in your throat, but you willed it away. You refused to cry.

You're strong Y/N. One day, you'll be free. Just hold on.


You saw all four of your group members sitting in shared room of the dorm when you walked in. Minji, the oldest, came rushing over, pulling you into her embrace.

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