Chapter 24

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By the time you and Namjoon made it to the dorm, you were drenched in sweat. 

Well, maybe now I won't have to workout tomorrow since I did double the work today. You thought as you wiped your forehead with the back of your gloved hand.

Namjoon opened the door and stepped inside, you trailing behind him. A blonde head peeked from around the corner before you heard Jimin's voice call "Joonie hyung's home!"

"That little snitch," Namjoon hissed under his breath. Seokjin's voice was loud as he shouted from the kitchen. 

"He's here? Just wait until I get my hands on him."

You bent to the side a little from where you stood behind Namjoon just in time to see Seokjin round the corner. If the situation wasn't so dire, you would've swooned at the domestic, boyfriend vibe the man exuded. Despite the freezing temperature outside, Seokjin was wearing a wrinkled, black tank top that exposed his shoulders and collarbone. His hands were shoved into the pockets of his grey sweatpants, drawstrings undone, and he was tapping his bare feet in annoyance, glaring at Namjoon. His lips, that were pulled into a scowl, were colored a dark pink and looked bitten. His hair was messy, as if someone had pulled at it. You quirked an eyebrow in suspicion, but chose not to comment, as he hadn't noticed your presence yet. 

"Hyungie-" Namjoon began with a nervous laugh. 

"Don't 'hyungie' me, Namjoon," Seokjin interrupted. "You're in a load of trouble."

Namjoon's hands shot out in front of him, waving back and forth. "No wait, it was an accident! I was just trying to clean your room because you've had a stressful week and I accidently hit my head on the shelf, knocking the figurine over!"

Seokjin's stern expression faltered as Namjoon explained, anger thawing at the younger's thoughtfulness. He squared his shoulders back, and raised his chin, trying to hold onto his irritated facade. 

"Look, I even brought you a treat as a peace offering." 

You stepped out from behind Namjoon to hold up the pastry box. For the first time since he arrived, Seokjin noticed your presence. His lips quirked into a sinful smirk as he walked up to you.

"A sweet treat indeed," he drawled. "Maybe you'd like to join me and Yoongi. I'm sure he'd like a taste as well."

Your mouth fell open, blood rushing to your cheeks at Seokjin's suggestive comment. Not only was he unabashedly flirting with you, but he'd also confirmed your earlier suspicion about his appearance. Namjoon choked on his saliva, coughing loudly behind you. A solid smack resounded around the foyer as you slapped Seokjin's bicep.

"He meant the chocolate cake," you said through gritted teeth, shoving the cardboard box into his chest. Seokjin rubbed his arm, sending you an offended look. 

"Not what I would've preferred, but I suppose it's satisfactory," Seokjin stated, taking the cake from you. He looked up at Namjoon, who was pounding his chest, trying to recover from his coughing fit. "You are forgiven." 

Seokjin grabbed your hand and pulled you further into the house. "I'm glad you came Y/N, we just ordered take-out!" 

Just like that, Seokjin was back to his perky self, whatever being had possessed him a few moments earlier completely gone. 

"Oh hello Y/N," a voice rasped from your left. You turned to see Yoongi coming down the stairs, hands combing through his tangled, fair hair. There was a small bruise at the base of his neck, marring his pale skin. You blushed as your imagination ran wild, Seokjin's words from earlier echoing in your mind. You quickly turned away before the rapper caught sight of your face. 

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