Chapter 14

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The following day I woke and got ready for work. I heard a knock on my way to the bedroom door and Laura entered with a worried look on her face. "Liz, can you please come with me to school? I am in trouble and the principal asked me to bring a parent with me today. Please!" she pleaded. "Alright, stop saying please. Tell me what happened." I asked. She looked really scared for someone that had a father who is way too lenient to her.

"I got into a fight, twice last week and I haven't been handing in most of my work at school. I am already past the first and second warning that I think I am getting suspended or expelled," she said in a very low voice. No wonder she looked scared. When she said she was in trouble I didn't think it was that serious." But Laura, what is going on? Why aren't you handing in your work and how did you find yourself getting into fights. I know I am not involved in your school things but you could've come to me if you had any problems." I said. I tried my best to be understanding instead of getting angry.

"I know, I don't understand a lot of things I am taught in class and I didn't know how to ask you. I haven't been a good person to you and I know you have a lot on your plate right now. Even though you try every night to be home in time for dinner, I know you are just trying. Home is a bad place to be these days. Dad is never home, and when he is, there's so much tension between you two. I know you told me to go to my room last night but I overheard your conversation about divorce last night, so nothing is going well at the moment. Nothing mom!" she said with a shaky voice.

I thought I kept Laura out of our problems but it looked like it was also affecting her. I guess 12 years old understands everything going on around her. Of all the two and a half years I was married to Evan, this is the first time she called me mom. I felt bad that she was caught up in the middle of all of this and to make things worse it was affecting her school work.

"Laura, whatever I am going through at the moment is not as important as you are. I am an adult and I can handle whatever is going on. You can always come to me and whatever is going on between your father and me, we will sort it out, you just focus on your schoolwork. Now, let's go see your principal, and hopefully, you don't get expelled or suspended." I said as we headed for the car. I called my assistant and told her I was coming in late before we headed for the school. I remember being in school and not once did I ever find myself in the principal's office. I knew nothing good goes on in the principal's office, especially when parents are involved. My father was away a lot when I was growing up, so if I ever got in trouble, I would have to bring my mother.

My mom would never side with me, or save me and I am pretty sure my father would hear about it in a second so I made sure I never got in trouble at school because it meant even bigger trouble at home. My brother Paul was always in trouble to the extent that he would bring my other big brother Mark as a parent because our mom was something else. I have decided to be better than my mom and try to understand Laura especially knowing that most of it is my fault. Maybe 10% my fault and a whole 200% Evan's fault. I know that doesn't add up to a hundred, but that just shows how much of a screw-up Evan was. So he was more at fault here and now even Laura is in trouble.

We reached the school and headed straight for the principal's office. I have no idea how it feels to be in the principal's office, so I had no idea what to say to Laura. We waited for a while since Principal Rollins wasn't in her office at the time. Usually, it was Evan who used to come to these things, could it be the meetings or when Laura got herself in trouble. I couldn't help but feel anxious as if I was the one in trouble. While sitting outside the office, Evan arrived and sat on the other side of Laura. "Good morning," he said kissing Laura on her forehead. I have to admit we do look like the perfect parents with our daughter right between us. The principal called us in but asked Laura to stay so she talks to the parents.

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