Chapter 12

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Ael's POV

Just when I thought my mate would finally accepted me, she ended up rejecting me. Again. Was I in too much of a hurry ? I have no idea of what has gone wrong. We communicated, we had a normal and pleasant conversation. She acted like she liked me and she even accepted my gift.

Why are women so confusing ? I did everything as the book said on how to court a human mate. I let her space, I offered her flowers, I was polite, I put some perfume, I had a wash twice a day and I slept on the couch. Where did I make a mistake ?

The room I'm standing in now feels as empty as my heart. I cried so much when I was waiting for her. She has always been in my mind. When I was hurt, when I was bullied, when my parents died, when I felt lonely, I thought about my future mate. Despite all of this, I've always built myself up again and again. I have new friends now. They've all found their mates. You could imagine I was jealous of them because they had "the perfect love", "the perfect mate". But no. My mate is the best mate ever. I love her way of living and feeling. Besides, it's useless to be jealous of others and to want to be the "best couple". Why ? Because perfect love can be right next to you so there's no need to waste time trying to look perfect. You will always be jealous even if it relates to subjective things like body proportions or to stupid things like the way your hair moves.

After a couple of hours of thinking, I finally fall asleep, my mate's smile etched in my mind and a small yet endless spark of hope lightening my heart.

Hi guys so here's another chapter from Ael's POV. Since you've liked it so much we'll keep on doing that. However it doesn't mean we'll stop writing from Athanasia's POV.

By the way we're very very happy to tell you that we've reached 300 views and almost 50 votes!!!! We really didn't expect the story to work this well. Thank you so much for all your reads, votes and comments it means a lot for us.
See you on Tuesday for another chapter.
Lots of love,

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