December 25th

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"It's Christmas," Sam shouted as she flopped on top of me. Have you ever had someone twice your size lay on top of you? It isn't fun, let me tell you. I can't breathe when she is on me. However, it is her way of waking me up. Someone, please help me.

"Get off of me," I whined. It currently felt like my ribs were going to snap at any minute. "I can't breathe." That got Sam to roll off me.

I grudgingly got out of bed. It was currently eight in the morning, and I wanted to curl up back in bed. Thanksgiving and Christmas are the only two days of the year I willingly wake up early. This doesn't mean that I am functional when I wake up. I'm still a cranky toddler for a little bit while I wake up.

I made my way downstairs and to the living room. I made my way to the living room so we could open presents. Ryan and Sam weren't downstairs, so Ryan must be receiving the same fate I did. However, Sam probably doesn't squish Ryan as much as she squishes me. He is bigger and stronger than me. Stupid puberty. We used to be close in size, and then he grew up, leaving me the smallest one in the family.

While we waited for Ryan and Sam to get downstairs, I looked at the note left from Santa and then what was in my stocking. My stocking just had chocolates and a Visa gift card. I wasn't surprised because what are you supposed to get a bunch of adults for stocking stuffers? It is a struggle for my mom, so we get what we get.

Once Ryan and Sam get downstairs, we sit in our spots to open presents. Yes, my family has specific spots for opening presents. We have for years, and my mom always finds it hilarious when it's time to open presents and three adults launch themselves to their specific spots. I don't know why my mom seems to forget that we do this each year. Yes, it's childish, but at the same time, it's tradition. It's hard to change tradition even after doing it for most of our lives.

We opened presents quickly. Once we finished, my mom went into the kitchen to make breakfast while my siblings and I cleaned up the wrapping paper that was in the middle of the floor. Who doesn't love cleaning up wrapping paper, and shoving it into a garbage bag? Though it never takes long to do since we just shove armfuls in.

Once we were done, Mom came around with drinks. Both of my parents were having Bloody Marys. My sister had orange juice and vodka. My brother was drinking plain orange juice for whatever reason. I had apple juice and vodka. I don't like orange juice, so my mom has to make sure to have apple juice whenever I am home. Orange juice is nasty. I have disliked it for as long as I can remember and always will dislike it.

My mom handed us each a cinnamon roll and got us refills on our drinks. Once that was done, we watched a few more Christmas specials. We didn't have anywhere to be until noon, so we had a little time to kill.

Hailey: Merry Chrysler!

Ethan: Really? You too?

Hailey: Too? Who copied me?

Ethan: Liam

Hailey: My true soulmate

Ethan: Merry Christmas, Hailey. I miss you

Hailey: I don't blame you. I would miss myself too.

We were at a different aunt and uncle's house to celebrate Christmas. I was sitting on the ground in front of Sam. My cousin, who is just a few months younger than me, made UV Blue and lemonade for Sam, Ryan, and me. She handed us each one before sitting next to me. It was currently my grandpa, my younger uncle, my cousin, my siblings, and I currently sitting in the living room. My younger cousins were all in the basement, playing. My older uncle, his wife, my grandma, and my mom were talking and setting up lunch in the kitchen.

"So Hailey, about the boyfriend," My younger uncle said. He is in his forties, but he is the youngest of my mom and her two brothers. He is my most annoying uncle and will take any chance to embarrass any of his nieces and nephews. He thinks he is doing it out of humor, but more times than not, it's just uncomfortable.

I looked up at Sam and said, "Is there anyone you didn't tell?"

"It isn't my fault," Sam said. That was an absolute lie. "He must have overheard it while I was at the grandparents. He stopped by when he got off of work. I didn't think he heard our conversation."

"Still your fault. Once again, you were talking about my personal business without my permission. You really need to stop."

"Can we get back to the boyfriend?" My uncle said.

"He isn't my boyfriend. We literally just met at the beginning of the month. Why would I date a buy I just met?"

"Isn't that how dating works?"

"Not with me. I like to know what I'm getting myself into," I said as I finished my drink.

Lunch was announced, and we all made our way to the kitchen to make our plates. We had pulled pork which meant I could eat this year. Don't get me wrong, I eat every Christmas, but the main course is usually ham, and I can't stand the taste of ham. I survive on sides at Christmas and Easter because it is always a ham. Somehow my extended family keeps forgetting that I don't eat ham and judge me for it. One year at Easter, I ate rolls and corn because it was the only thing I was willing to eat since the sides were foods I couldn't stand to eat.

"When are we going to meet your not-boyfriend?" My younger uncle asked.

I laughed, "You? Never. Everyone else? Maybe someday, if it becomes serious, and I feel like bringing him back to meet everyone."

"Well, that's just rude."

"Can't have you scaring off the poor guy. I might actually like him enough to keep around for a while.," I shrugged.

After lunch, we let my younger cousins open their presents. My family has a rule that you no longer get presents over the age of 18, so here we are watching. However, it sucks because what is the point of being here? Family? No thanks, I see enough of them as is. I want presents too or give me money. I'm a broke college student. You can spare twenty for me. It will be used wisely, like on stress snacks.

After the presents, we all talked and hung out for a little bit. We mostly talked about what was going on in our lives, how work was going, how school went, and, you know, the fun stuff. At least we weren't talking about Ethan anymore. However, shortly after, we all decided to go home. The kids were getting antsy, and I could feel my social battery draining. Either that or the four drinks I had between breakfast and lunch kicked in and made me tired. Probably both.

When we got home, I sat down next to my mom in the living room and laid my head on her shoulder. I could feel my social battery was empty due to my headache. My dad turned on Die Hard for us to watch. I curled up next to my mom, making her share her footrest, and watched the movie. After all, it isn't Christmas until Hans Gruber falls from the Nakatomi Tower.


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