Chapter 6

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Police force start raiding on Deven & Parv's homes.
They found clue that Deven is planning to escape from the country via Delhi airport.
Malhar informs Delhi police that 3 criminals from Mumbai trying to escape from the Nation to immigration arrest them if caught…
Delhi police caught trio gang & handed over them to Malhar. 
Malhar took their custody & brought 3 of them to his station where Kalyani, AkshAn & ZaBeer are present.
Culprits confess their crimes & thus Kabeer proved innocent.
Zara comes near Deven & Slaps him hard. Similarly Guddan too slapped Parv & Kalyani not only slapped Sampada but also pulled her hair.. 
Malhar put them into the prison…

Malhar - Guys don't worry… I'll make sure these 3 will get severe punishment from the court.

Group hug between Kabeer, Malhar & AJ.
Kabeer - Thank You so much… without you guys help I don't know what will be going to happen with me…
AJ - Don't thank us Kabeer… you're very brave man the way you keep patience in any situation is just adorable…
Malhar - Truly Kabeer… you're awesome…. 

Girls gang (Zara, Kalyani & Guddan) too got emotional & hugged each other.

Little children (Moksh, Zain & Azra) laughing with extreme happiness to see their parents happy.


Now after taking back restrictions by the government Jindal Restaurant reopened with a grand opening… AJ throws big party with Guddan… He invited everyone including the food inspector again…
Food Inspector - Sorry Mr. Jindal… for whatever happened.
AJ - It's absolutely fine Sir… infact I'm really thankful to you for coming here after whatever happened…
Food Inspector - Okay Mr. Jindal so I would like to sign contract again with you…
AJ - Oh that's great news… thank you for this second opportunity. (Kabeer comes)
Kabeer - I'm so sorry Sir… please…
Food Inspector - Hey Kabeer don't need to apologise at all… I got the whole story… and one you cook really amazing… but be careful always…
Kabeer - Sure Sir…
(AJ putting his arm around Kabeer's shoulder -)
"Sir... I'm so lucky to have Kabeer as my partner… together we'll make our Restaurant top in the city".
Food Inspector - Haha no doubt… wish you all the very best Gentlemen…


After wrapping up from the Restaurant Party,
ZaBeer, AkshAn & KalMa gather together to have talks…

Guddan - Finally party over… oh I'm tired what a day!
Kalyani - Well Guddan ji how about your show now after Parv exit?
Zara - Guddan I've heard your show going off air?
Guddan - Yes… actually makers have decided to pull the show off air.. well me & Parv were hit pair on-screen so makers don't want to break that charm of story… we're going to end the show with tragic end that (Rehaan) Parv got kidnapped & killed by his enemies & to take revenge of her husband's death me  (Kanika) will follow the enemies but unfortunately she'll also get killed by them…
Zara & Kalyani - Oh very tragic ending.. waiting to see the episodes.

AJ - Well it's good that Guddan's show going off air soon… I'm planning to take her for a second honeymoon….
Guddan - Oh wow Jindal Sahab so romantic..

Kabeer - That's great move AJ… after all you guys didn't go anywhere it's been a long time… Well me & Zara are planning visit Lucknow… missing our family badly.
Zara - Ya Allah Kabeer why didn't you tell me before? I've to do so much shopping for our families..

Malhar - Kabeer be ready to spend your earnings…. Haha taking wife for shopping is very risky task..
Kalyani - What do you mean by risky task Mallu ji? We women have right to shop whatever we like you can't resist us huh…!
Malhar - And we men have right to carry your heavy Carry bags.

Kabeer - Hahaha… this was very hilarious Malhar…
AJ - Guys beware of Malhar & his jokes…

(Seeing all laughing together suddenly little Moksh, Zain & Azra also started laughing)

ZaBeer & KalMa - Awwweee our babies…. They Carry their babies in their arms…

Kalyani & Zara - Guddan now it's your turn, when are you giving us the good news?

Malhar & Kabeer - Oh Yes… Answer AJ..

AkshAn - Will soon guys we're planning for it.

Suddenly AkshAn began to argue -
Guddan - I want cute boys like Moksh & Zain ..
AJ - No Guddan, First I want a princess Doll like Azra…

KalMa - Chill guys, let's see what's God holding for you.
ZaBeer - Ameen

(After talking alot, This Friends Forever finally fell asleep, at the place where they were sitting & chatting…)

ZaBeer, AkshAn & KalMa are Happily Ever After…!


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