𝐻𝑢𝑟𝑡𝑖𝑛𝑔 𝑦𝑜𝑢𝑟𝑠𝑒𝑙𝑓 - 𝐻𝑦𝑢𝑛𝑔 𝑙𝑖𝑛𝑒

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⚠️ Self Harm Mentioned ⚠️

POV: They either found out you've hurt yourself or they see you trying to.

Bang Chan:

- Chan knew you had a history of self harming, but you hadn't done it in a while and he was so proud of you for trying really hard- You chose to go out for dinner with the rest of the members, but you'd completely forgotten about the scars on your...

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- Chan knew you had a history of self harming, but you hadn't done it in a while and he was so proud of you for trying really hard
- You chose to go out for dinner with the rest of the members, but you'd completely forgotten about the scars on your arms so you forgot about taking a jacket with you
- Chan wasn't aware of what you did to yourself, which is what worried you most
- You didn't care what the other members would think, you just thought you should try to hide it from Chan, you didn't want to ruin the night for him or anyone else
- You sat down at your table at the restaurant and you hugged your arms, trying to hide them as much as you could
- You knew he'd eventually see, but you didn't know how he'd react
- He realised you were fidgety and didn't bother questioning why, but he took one look at your arm and noticed your hand trying to cover up the marks
- Instead of taking you outside, or questioning you about it in public, or even getting upset, he took off his jacket and handed it to you, dropping it over your shoulders as it hid your arms
- He flashed you a sad smile and held onto your hand, kissing your forehead for reassurance
- You didn't expect him to comfort you in the way he did, but you knew you'd be questioned when you got home
- The rest of the night went by quickly and you went home with Chan, and you were right.. he did question you
- "I thought you were able to control it?"
- "I'm sorry.."
- You didn't know what else to say, an apology is all you could think of
- But he didn't care about an apology, he cared about your health
- "Are you okay?"
- You nodded hesitantly to his question, but he automatically realised it was a stupid question and he knew you weren't okay
- He pulled you into his arms and held you close, trying to comfort you as much as he could, and it helped
- He realised things were difficult for you right now, and he wanted to help you in any way he could
- "If you ever feel the need to..." You knew what he meant so he didn't have to finish, "Tell me. Call me, text me, drag me out of a meeting or my rehearsals. Just tell me, okay? I don't care where I am, I'll come home straight away if I need to. Just speak to me, don't hide it. Don't be embarrassed, don't feel ashamed, you know I'm here."
- You finished the rest of the night cuddling beside him, telling him everything you felt in hopes it would help, and it did

Lee Minho:

- After finally coming home from going to his shows in America, he came to see you immediately- You were worried about how he'd react to the fresh cuts on your wrists and thighs, you were scared he'd think it was his fault- He opened the door to y...

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- After finally coming home from going to his shows in America, he came to see you immediately
- You were worried about how he'd react to the fresh cuts on your wrists and thighs, you were scared he'd think it was his fault
- He opened the door to your apartment, letting himself in
- "Baby, i'm home!"
- He hears complete silence, usually you'd come running out to plaster him with kisses, so he was worried when you said nothing and he couldn't see you
- "Baby..."
- He dropped his bags beside the door, shutting it behind him and wandering through the apartment to find you
- The lights were off, he thought you were maybe out
- But when he finally saw the bathroom light on, he rushed in quickly, having an idea about what happened
- He saw you sat on the floor beside the bathtub, a razor in your hand as you stared at it emptily
- "I didn't do it..."
- He fell to his knees, sitting beside you and taking the blade from your hand, throwing it in the toilet and flushing it
- "What were you thinking?"
- Your body shook in fear, you were too stressed to even think about what was happening
- "How long have you been in here for? Did you hurt yourself?" He looked down at your thighs, brushing his hand across them to check for any scars you could've made whilst he was away, he found none thankfully, and he didn't see any on your wrists
- "I didn't hurt myself." You sniffled, wiping away your tears
- "What happened?"
- "I've been so stressed, Minho."
- He could feel you shaking against his body, so he wrapped his arms around you and kissed your forehead, pulling you closer into his body
- "It's okay, my love. I've got you, now."
- He rocked you in his arms, feeling you start to calm down
- You were thankful he got here in time, if he was just a few minutes later you would've done it, you wouldn't have hesitated a second more
- "I'm sorry."
- You nuzzled your face into his chest, feeling his fingers play with your hair
- "Don't apologise, princess. I'm here, now. You're okay."

Seo Changbin:

- For once, you chose to go out with the members for the day since they were going shopping, it was one of their days off and you didn't want to miss the opportunity to spend time with them again- Changbin decided to take you to a few clothes shop...

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- For once, you chose to go out with the members for the day since they were going shopping, it was one of their days off and you didn't want to miss the opportunity to spend time with them again
- Changbin decided to take you to a few clothes shops where he'd seen some clothes he thought would look nice on you
- He was dumb enough to actually come into the changing rooms with you, he didn't even think about it until after
- "Y'know, I don't actually think you're allowed in here with me."
- "Too bad. I wanna see it before anyone else. And if it's too revealing I definitely don't want anyone else seeing."
- You giggled at his protective tone, he was always like this but you found it cute
- The only thing that worried you was when he pulled out a skirt for you to try on
- He knew about the scars on your arms but not your thighs, and you'd only been together for a few months, so a lot of the time you had a chance to hide them
- When you undressed and tried to put on your skirt, he stopped you, looking down at your legs with narrow eyes
- "They're stretch marks..." You lied, feeling your heart start to race
- "I didn't even say what I saw. Those aren't stretch marks." He sat you down on the stool, taking a closer look at the cuts across your thighs
- "You said you don't do it anywhere else.."
- "I-"
- "Don't lie to me... Please."
- He already knew, so you couldn't give him another excuse
- "I was going to tell you-"
- "When?"
- You shrugged your shoulders, you didn't know how to answer him, his reaction was different to what you expected, but of course it was
- "You promised you wouldn't do it."
- "They're old-"
- "They're new."
- You'd been caught out again, you didn't even know why you tried to keep it from him anymore
- "Okay...I'm sorry. I panicked."
- "I'm just trying to keep you safe, Y/n. You mean everything to me. I could never think of losing you. Promise you'll tell me. You have to promise me."
- "I promise..."
- You thought he'd just be mad at you, he seemed it at first but he wasn't at all
- "Now, I want you to try on that skirt so I can tell you how beautiful you look."
- He kisses your lips gently, patting your head and handing you the skirt

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