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Author's Note

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Author's Note:

Thank you so much for reading The Devil's Match, which is my debut novel as an amateur writer.

Nah I'm just fucking with you. Haha. I've been writing for quite some time now but this is the first time I finished a novel in two years. Actually, I finished a novel AND  the first book of an awesome fantasy-action series. Gimme a high five for productivity!

I initially came up with the prompt of this story from tumblr. Not gonna lie, I fell in love with the idea of a witch matching a poor lady to different dudes only to fall in love with her herself. But I was already working on my short story Wish Granted. The devil apprentice became a fan favorite so I thought of giving her a romantic interest. And that's how The Devil's Match was born!

I didn't want my characters to follow certain tropes so I struggled giving them their own strong identities. Like I wanted Lily to be bisexual but I'm also very aware of the stereotype that bisexuals are "hypersexual", so I didn't want to write her that way at first. But I realized I needed someone as strong (character-wise) as Eve to match up with her. I write based on instinct and it was telling me that it's okay for women to be openly sexual without any judgement so guess what? Lily fucks. A lot. And she doesn't care what you think about her.

I'm also quite new to writing men and I just know I butchered my male characters, but you know what? It's okay to fail as long as you keep trying and improving. And for the love of Satan, if I'm writing something wrong or possibly offensive, please call me out on it so that we can all be educated!

Now you have a glimpse of what was going on in my head 24/7 while I was writing this story. I struggled, man. I probably went a little crazy too. Not to mention my alcoholism. No writer ever says this but our works affect our inner life. But it's all okay if I make people happy in the end. Fuck my health, amirite?

Anyway, I hope you enjoyed yourself while reading my work. Follow me for more novels and more heartwarming tales of girls loving girls!

Also, consider buying me a coffee to help support my writing!



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