Chapter 5

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"Where were you?!" Taehyung asked in a yelling tone.

"Who's 'Mint'?" Nayeon asked in a calmer voice.

"Who's that guy you were with?!" Jin yelled quite loudly.

"Guys stop bombarding her with questions! Give the girl some space!" Namjoon exclaimed as he forced everyone to sit on the couch. "Now Y/N will answer all our questions."

I sighed. Why are my friends and family so nosy? "Ok, I was with the 'Mint' guy and we were just hanging out around the city."

"Ok but who is the 'Mint' guy?" Jin asked again. They were all staring at me as if I just committed some kind of crime and they're the police interrogating me. 

I thought about what to say, wondering how they would react if I told them that I was with the mafia king. I decided to lie so they wouldn't get scared or anything. Well technically I'm not lying, they just won't know that I was with the mafia king. "Min Yoongi. I met him yesterday and we kinda clicked."

"But Taehyung, Namjoon and I were with you yesterday," Nayeon pointed out, confusion evident on her face. 

"You guys were also drunk yesterday. After tucking you kids in, I went out," I told them with a small smile. 

"Where did you go?" Namjoon chimed in. 

"Just revisiting some place." Now my smile wasn't so natural; it was forced. 

They put on they're worried faces. "Y/N don't tell me-" Taehyung started but I cut him off with a nod.

"Yes, I went for him," I told them and tried to leave the room before they started to give me advice again like they do every time he becomes the topic. 

Nayeon grabbed my wrist and made me sit back down. I hated it; the look they gave me. It was so sympathetic. It made me feel so weak. It made wish he was still here 'cause I know that if he was, he would never let me feel this way. 

"Y/N it's over. It's been ten years and you still haven't gotten over him?" Nayeon asked while holding my hand in hers. 

I looked down and shook my head. "And I never will."

"Y/N this is stupid! You don't even remember what he looks like!" Jin yelled angrily. 

"At least I remember him! He promised he'd come back! H-He'll come... I know he will," I assured them and myself as I felt a tear rolling down my cheek. I quickly wiped off the tears and got up, leaving to my room. Either Nayeon would come and comfort me or she would let me have some time alone and right now I think it's best that she lets me be. 

I slammed the door closed and sunk to the floor, the tears returning to my face. I told them he would come back but I think I was more or less telling myself that. He probably forgot his promise anyway. He didn't even know I was there. But that was the first and the last time I saw him cry, the last time I heard him say the three words that never failed to make my heart flutter, the last time I heard his voice that I loved oh so much, his voice that I no longer remember, the last time I saw his face that I no longer remember. I don't remember anything except him as a person. I closed my eyes and let my tears flow down as I recalled our last memory together. 


I didn't know what to do. I was just a crying mess while Nayeon comforted me; a girl I had just met that for some reason cared so much about me. Was I crying because he couldn't help me? Or was I crying because of what almost happened?

"N-Nayeon? There's s-somewhere I need t-to go," I mumbled through tears, trying so hard to just force a smile. 

"I'll come with you; you shouldn't be alone," Nayeon suggested. 

I just nodded and we got in her car while she started driving. I told her where to go; his house. I wanted to see him but at the same time I just wanted to yell at him. I was mad at him but I still loved him. 

When Nayeon got to his house I went to the door and tried to open the door since he usually leaves it open if he's at home. It was locked. I tried ringing the doorbell just in case but there was no response. Maybe he's there? 

I went back to Nayeon. "I'm not going far. Don't follow me, I'll be back soon," I told her before running off without even giving her a chance to say anything. 

I ran into the forest and started to walk to the waterfall hoping he would be there but at the same time not wanting him to be there. But he was there; and he was crying. I wanted to go and hug him and never let go but instead I hid behind a tree and listened to him cry while crying as well. It hurt so much. There was something in me that just wouldn't let me go talk to him. But then there was a sound other than the sound of him crying. His voice. "I'm sorry Y/N-ah. I'm sorry I couldn't protect you. All because I was too scared of what would happen to me." Does he know I'm here? I peeked just a bit to see tears still falling from his eyes but he was staring at his phone while he spoke. "I promise, no matter what it takes, I'll become someone that can protect you. And I'll come back to you." I turned away from him and just leaned against the tree so I wouldn't have to see him crying any longer. I was so close to crying out loud but I covered my mouth with my hand so that I wouldn't make a sound. "I love you Y/N." And that was the last thing I heard him say before I peeked again and saw him getting up and walking to leave the forest. I inched around the tree to make sure he wouldn't see me there. And when he was gone, I dropped down onto the grass and cried as loud as I wanted to and mumbled, "I love you too." 


I cried even harder. I should've just gone to him. I thought I could hate him after that but I just kept loving him. I didn't even realize when I fell asleep against the wall. 

~Jin's point of view.~

After she left I got even angrier. "Why does she care so much about him?! It doesn't make any sense! She already forgot his face and name, it's just a matter of time before she forgets him as a whole!" I just didn't understand why she can't get over him when it's been ten years already. 

"Jin! That man is the first person she fell in love with, you have to understand how she's feeling! It hurts us too to see her like this but we can't stop her. She really believes that he's going to come back," Namjoon said.

"I know... I just wish she wasn't so affected by it," I mumbled. 

"Hyung there's nothing we can do. We either just wait 'til she forgets him as a whole or 'til he actually comes back," Taehyung contributed as he got up off the couch signally the end of the conversation. 

"Anyways, what's for lunch?" Nayeon asked to get rid of the dull mood that was lingering in the room. 

"Right! I'll go do that!" I quickly replied before running off to the kitchen. 

"I'm gonna check on Y/N!" Taehyung yelled while walking upstairs with very loud footsteps. 

"I'm going with Tae!" Namjoon yelled while also walking upstairs with very loud footsteps. 

To Be Continued...

My First Second Love - BTS Min Yoongi FFWhere stories live. Discover now