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"People think a soul mate is your perfect fit, and that's what everyone wants. But a true soul mate is a mirror, the person who shows you everything that is holding you back, the person who brings you to your own attention so you can change your life. A soul mate's purpose is to shake you up, tear apart your ego a little bit, show you your obstacles and addictions, break your heart open so new light can get in, make you so desperate and out of control that you have to transform your life."

― Elizabeth Gilbert

– S C O R P I O N –

As the bottle went down and the minutes spun around us in lost pieces of time we talked closely. Side by side in bar stools. We talked for an eternity and possibly no time at all.

She told me of her regrets, her loves, her hates, the people that had touched her life, the thoughts that crossed her mind the first time we met... I had to laugh when she told me my eyes had reminded her of a demon.

She pressed her bare feet into the base of my stool and I lay my own on either side of hers. Her blonde locks tumbled down one side in more of a tangle than the start of the night but it made her just as carelessly beautiful.

Every time she laughed and cast her eyes up at me under her dark lashes from the glass I had to take my own drink. She could undress me with a single look. But I was just as happy being let further into her mind... for once we had time for us and no one else.

"You weren't that bad." She allowed.

"I didn't really do myself any favours ordering you to go like that." I said with a smirk, laying one elbow on the bar.

She grinned and shook her head, letting a hand fall onto my knee. "Go. Before I change my mind." She giggled between another sip.

I plucked the glass from her fingers and raised it out of reach while she pouted deeply.

"Are you drunk, Miss Xavier?" I teased.

"You've seen it all before." She shrugged with a wink.

I lowered it into her hand slowly without letting go. "Yes, you've got quite the mouth on you when you drink." I grinned.

She raised an eyebrow at me with a slow smile. "You know, I never remembered what I said to you that night when you stepped in on my trip to Sector 48."

My jaw went slack and I made to dramatically palm my face. She stole the glass from my hand and started tracing circles on my knee with her other hand making me lose my focus.

"Let me give you a hint." I murmured as I leaned forward, setting both my elbows on my knees and leaving my hands on her thighs. She smirked around her glass. "You told me you could do whatever you wanted, you threw me off you and then you started laughing." A hand went up to her face as she failed to contain another snicker. "Yet the Queen of the Underworld stood there like a fool and took you with her." I mused, with humour.

"You're my fool." She told me, lowering her glass back to the bar.

I watched her and she watched me back. I couldn't read her mind but I didn't need to. But there was something stopping me from totally letting go of all restraint for the night.

"I want to know what's going through that mind of yours." I said quietly.

"Nothing clean." She stated candidly.

I bit down on my tongue trying to control my smile. "I meant the Makayla that has buried herself in smiles and alcohol–"

She interrupted me with a finger against my lips. Then pulled herself off her stool to stand before me closely. She moved her hand to draw my jaw up to meet her eyes.

DIVISION 52 - BOOK IWhere stories live. Discover now