6. Not believing

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It was in the middle of night that I heard a noise outside my window. I was not getting any sleep thinking about the scene that flashed through my mind today when I saw that house. And now this noise is making me curious. I looked at Emily who was in deep sleep. I decided to check. So I got up and went to my window. I tried looking out ignoring the darkness outside. I could see a silhouette standing outside the hotel. Suddenly 3 more figures came into my view. Who is it? Maybe the hotel workers. But why are they out at night? I decided to ignore and turned around but a very deep growl like sound made me freeze in my spot. It is definetly something strange.

Though knowing that curiousity killed the cat, I still decided to go out and check. But it was too dark outside. I found the torch in my suitcase and started walking towards outside.

I reached the door of the lodge and opened it. I came out and saw that everything was eerily silent now. It was very dark outside that if I wouldn't have this torch I would not even be able to make out where I was.

I moved the torch around to see the people but I found none. Where did they go?

Suddenly my torch caught a figure standing near the gate of the lodge. A few meters away from me. I focused my eyes on it as I flashed the torch on it to get a proper view.

It was something huge. A wolf maybe. But as soon as I saw its face I knew it was far from a wolf. It was something danger. It was a very unnatural thing. It looked huge like a....a beast.

I let out a ear piercing scream as I realised what it was

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I let out a ear piercing scream as I realised what it was. I didn't wait for its reaction which was obviously to kill me. I ran inside and shut the door behind me locking it. I heard voices and lights were turned on suddenly. I sat down near the door shaking in fear.

I was crying badly as I recalled the beast and its glowing eyes. It looked at me with a very different emotion that scared the shit out of me.

I felt someone shaking me and calling me. I looked at the person it was Daniel and Emily. I wrapped my arms around him as I started crying more badly. I had just seen the beast of the forest. I don't know if it will let me live now that I have seen it.

"Shhh....its okay baby. Calm down." Daniel said. He started whispering sweet nothings in my ear to calm me. But I was so scared. It looked so dangerous and huge.

"Ari please calm down. We are here with you. You are safe now." Emily said as she rubbed my back.

I noticed that everyone was here now. My team, the cops, the hotel staff. They were all inside so who was outside with that beast when I saw from the window. Do they know him? Or was it some other dangerous creatures?

I sobbed harder as I thought about it.

After a few more minutes I calmed down and took normal breaths. My heart beat came back to its normal pace.

"Now, will you please tell us what happened miss Johnson?" Asked Nathan the cop.

Everyone looked at me expecting my answer. What do I say? That I saw the beast.

"Um...I....I saw...I saw it." Stuttering I finally said that. I don't know what to exactly call that creature. Was it even a beast? It was like a monster.
Everyone looked at me in confusion. They didn't get it I guess.

"You saw what?" Kevin asked me with a raised eyebrow. I sighed.

"I saw the beast."

Gasps were heard from around me as everyone heard it. They all had their jaws dropped to the floor.

Was it so unbelievable for them? What if they don't believe me then what do I do?

Daniel cleared his throat as he looked at everyone and then me. Everybody came out of whatever shock they were in.

"Ariel, its fucking 1 in the morning and we all are sleepy so please cut the crap and tell us the truth." Camilla said glaring at me. I shook my head at her words. How can they think that I am lieing?

"I am not lieing. Trust me. I heard some noise coming from outside and so I came out. I saw around and then my eyes caught the....the creature." I was shaking again.

"See Ariel, maybe its a wolf. You know there are a lots of wolves around here so maybe you saw it." Joshua said. His face was blank and so was his colleagues and the hotel staff's.

I thought about it. But a wolf can't be so tall. And I know the difference between wolf and beast.

I shook my head at his words.
"It was not a wolf. It was so tall and dangerous. I have clearly seen it. It was a beast only." I said looking at my friends expecting support from them. But they just gave me a look of sympathy. What the hell is happening to them?

"Em...you believe me right? Dan...you also believe me right?" I asked them as I held their hand. They both just looked away.

I started crying more looking at their turned faces. Why don't they believe it?

I looked at Joshua.
"Joshua you said that there is a beast living in the castle. So why don't you believe that I saw it?" I asked him. His eyes widened and his two seniors glared at him. I saw Nathan's eyes changing shades. But it was gone as soon as it came. They seem to be talking to each other through their minds but how is that even possible.

Joshua coughed nervoulsly. He looked at his feet and said,
"I...I was joking Ariel. I was just messing around with you." He said looking anywhere but me. He was clearly lieing. But why?

"I knew it. I knew you were lieing to us. I mean how can there be a beast?" Josh said rubbing his chin.

"THERE IS A BEAST. I SAW IT MYSELF." I yelled this time to everyone present in the room. They just sighed. Some even rolled their eyes at me. Its not worth explaining them. They will understand once they themself see it.

But my own friends are not believing me. How can they be like that to me? I wiped my tears and stood up. Everyone looked at me in confusion. I ran towards my room but didn't fail to hear the words coming from Daniel's mouth.
"Drama queen."

"Yeah. Always seeking attention." Camilla said. I stopped near the stairs hearing their words. How can Daniel say that about me?

"Hey she is not an attention seeker you are." I heard Emily. She must have said it to Camilla. I smiled knowing that she is with me.

I ran upstairs to my room and plopped on the bed. The once stopped tears now started again. This time for two reasons. First that nobody believed me and second that Daniel said that about me.

I don't know when the tears stopped falling and I fell asleep. Or did I pass out from crying?


Well its a little short more like a glimpse in Ariel's feelings.

What will happen now? No body believes our Ariel and she is shit scared of the beast now.

Even her boyfriend called her a drama queen.

Poor Ariel. Lets hope she meets Alexander soon.

Till that vote and comment your views.

Lots of love😘😍

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