Christmas At The Monastery

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One thing before we head into the story... Art is not mine. I mean, I wish I could draw buuuuuut I can't so... yeah. Let's jump right into the story!

Another thing before we start, this is for a Secret Santa Story Exchange that was created by the lovely @MasterofCupcakes you can check other stories out if you go to her account!

This story is dedicated to @CallmeSky17! It was fun making this! I hope you enjoy. Also, Merry Christmas!

[Originally Posted Decemeber 25, 2019. 1:07 am]

It was December 21. There was exactly 3 days, 6 hours, 53 minutes, and 29 seconds left the numbers getting smaller as each second passed by. Jay sat on his twin bed admiring the lightning design that covered the blue sheets.

Edna walked into Jay's room readjusting the red glasses on her face. She smiled sweetly when she saw her 7-year-old son marvel at the yellow lightning-strikes that zapped across the midnight blue covers.

"Come here sugar-pea! Dinner is ready!" She cooed to the young boy as she held her arms open for her son to jump into her arms.

A wide smile spread across Jay's mouth as his eyes sparkled thinking about the food his mother prepared. He jumped off his bed, forgetting about the lightning bolts and jumped into his mother's arms.

Edna lifted Jay up so that she was giving him a front piggyback ride. Jay wrapped his grabby hands around his mother as support and to give her a big hug. She smiled and hugged back as she took Jay to the kitchen and set him on a stool.

"Now Mister, wait here until I bring your food to you!" She sternly stated with a wild smiled that matched the one of her son.

Jay giggled at his mothers teasing tone, "Okie doki Mummy, but I'm hungwy so you better be kwick or else..." He narrowed his eyes.

"Or else what?" Edna challenged with a hidden smile at her son's adorableness.

"I um- you- uhhhh- bad things will happen" Jay stated clearly trying to be intimidating.

"Oh then I better hurry! I wouldn't want anything bad to happen! Especially this close to Christmas!" Edna said, going along with Jay's shenanigans.

As Edna was scooping up her specialty soup for Jay in a bowl, Ed walked in talking on the phone.

"Yes, let me ask my Edna first!" Ed lowered the phone from his face and looked at his lovely wife, "Hey darling, Wu asked us to go to the monastery to have Christmas dinner with his brother and his family and a few of their old friends and their families. Do you think we can make it?"

"Of course Ed! What time do they want us over?" Edna asked her husband.

"We will be going over at 4 o'clock on Christmas Eve to have dinner and then we will stay overnight in one of their guest bedrooms. Can you make a note of that, Edna?" Ed told her.

Edna pulled a notepad and a pen that she always carried around with her out her pocket. She jotted down words on a new bullet point under her list of things her husband needed to remember "Of course dear"

Ed put the phone back to his ear, "Yes we are coming... Yes, Edna makes the best soup! You should try it sometime!... Sounds good... Bye!"

Small footsteps were heard, rattling the trailer home they lived in, "Christmas?! IheardsomethingaboutChristmas! ArewegoingsomewhereforChristmas?Wherearewegoingmummy? Istheregoingtobefoodanddessertandcakeandsoupandturkeyandcandycanesandchristmastrees mummy?"

Edna pinched her son's rosy cheeks, "Yes sir, there is going to be all the food and dessert you could imagine!"

A chorus of cheers and yays could be heard throughout the whole entire junk yard as the little lightning bolt ran around the junk yard expressing his joy to the world.

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