╰►pink ꒱

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﹏﹏ ❬ 🎨 : ✰❛ 𝐏𝐄𝐎𝐍𝐘 𝐏𝐈𝐍𝐊; 🖌 ❜ ❭ ﹏﹏

Has associations with tenderness and nurturing. In order to make your progress with your crush grow, the simple things matter.


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ANOTHER DAY CAME BY AND KAGEYAMA was oozing with happiness.

Ever since he showcased his talents yesterday, he felt more confident around Y/N.

Especially when the H/C-haired girl walked with him to class.

Y/N also felt a spark of connection in between the raventte and her.

But she shouldn't keep her hopes up or she'll probably be disappointed in the end.

So she intends to explore the feeling a bit more.

Anyways, Kageyama arrived at the usual meeting place with the boys but it was before lunch since Nishimoya said that this step needed to be done at that time.

But his eyes widened in surprise when he saw Tanaka with the other two.

"O-oi, why is Tanaka with you both?" He asks.

"Ah you see, Tanaka over heard us yesterday and wanted to join us." Nishinoya showed a dorky smile along with a smile.

Kageyama stiffened. "So... he knows?"

"You bet I do!" Tanaka grinned.

Devastated, the raven-haired crouched, with both of his fingers pressing his forehead muttering negative words.

"Wh-whoa wait! I never told anyone about it Kageyama! I'll keep my mouth shut, I promise!" The wing spiker swore.

Kageyama rose his head, glaring intently at his upperclassman. "You sure?"

Hinata and Nishinoya sweatdropped while Tanaka shivered in fear. "Yes! I just want to help!"

. . .

4) Use your eyes
-sneak some peeks at your crush, but
don't stare
-this is in order to let them know you
notice them
-simply glance once in a while but
make sure not to be in daze

Hinata read out loud.

"But Kageyama-kun already does that though.." Tanaka pointed out.

The said boy blushed. "I do..?"

"You're painfully obvious Kageyama! I'm pretty sure she already caught up with your staring!" Hinata adds.

"But today you'll have to do it again, just in a more obvious way this time." Nishinoya says.

Kageyama nods before the libero began to explain.

. . .

Lunch came by and Kageyama lined up at the cafeteria to buy his meal.

Although this time, Hinata told Yachi to bring Y/N along with her at the lunch line up.

So now Kageyama can see her H/C hair by the distance.

She was further in the front than him yet his vision of her was still cyrstal clear.

His mission for today was only to stare, more specifically, glance at Y/N.

Therefore that was what he did.

Even if that wasn't what the steps would give, he was pretty sure that he'd still look at you even in a crowded and public place like this.

But then, both of their eyes met and suddendly, he forgot how to breathe.

Y/N's E/C-colored orbs staring straight into him, and he swore he saw it twinkle.

They were the most beautiful pair of E/C eyes that his eyes had ever seen.

For they stole all his words away.

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﹏﹏ ❬ 🎨 : ✰❛ 𝐏𝐄𝐎𝐍𝐘 𝐏𝐈𝐍𝐊; 🖌 ❜ ❭ ﹏﹏

➜ { 04 }

❝  Use Your Eyes ;

Complete ! { 📍 }


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