Get to Know Taylor Hale

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We interviewed Taylor Hale, author of The Summer I Drowned, to learn more about her, and what she's working on next. Tyalor's book is published by Wattpad Books! You can buy your copy wherever books are sold. 

Wattpad HQ: Who is your OTP?

Taylor Hale: There have been many over the years

Wattpad HQ: What is your favourite book?

Taylor Hale: Honestly I don't have a single favourite book - it's too hard to choose! I'll just say THE VISION IS A PLACE by @mmlemonworld right here on Wattpad is one of the best and most creative things I've ever read.

Wattpad HQ: What TV show are you currently obsessed with right now?

Taylor Hale: I love The 100 and need to get caught up on the new season.

Wattpad HQ: What is one app you would not be able to go without using even for just one day?

Taylor Hale: Gmail... lol

Wattpad HQ: Where is your happy place?

Taylor Hale: My bedroom ^_^

Wattpad HQ: Can you describe your perfect writing area?

Taylor Hale: Probably the courtyard at my house - outside on a sunny day next to a nice little fountain, with LOTS of privacy (a must!).

Wattpad HQ: What motivates you to work hard?

Taylor Hale: I like thinking about the end goal - getting that finished product is very rewarding.

Wattpad HQ: What makes you laugh the most?

Taylor Hale: I like cute and weird animals XD

Wattpad HQ: What is your favourite animal?

Taylor Hale: I love house cats, but I'm also obsessed with frogs/toads... it's hard to choose.

Wattpad HQ: What are your hobbies?

Taylor Hale: Other than writing, I enjoy digital art, video games, and working out.

Wattpad HQ: How would your friends describe you?

Taylor Hale: Kind and with a good sense of humour, I hope!

Wattpad HQ: What is the tallest building you've been to the top in?

Taylor Hale: I have no idea lol

Wattpad HQ: Is your glass half full or half empty?

Taylor Hale: Half-full

Wattpad HQ: Are you an introvert or an extrovert?

Taylor Hale: Introvert

Wattpad HQ: What is your favorite family holiday tradition?

Taylor Hale: I like Christmas a lot. Staying over at my parents' place and getting up early to open presents will always be nice.

Wattpad HQ: What are your pet peeves?

Taylor Hale: Being bothered while I'm in the kitchen or spoken to while I'm trying to write.

Wattpad HQ: What is your ideal way to spend a weekend?

Taylor Hale: I like hiking or going to a patio, or just relaxing at home.

Wattpad HQ: Can you tell us what you're currently writing?

Taylor Hale: I have a lot of WIPs but my new psychological thriller story, DARKLAND, comes to mind. 

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