15- Forgetful

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Caroline's POV

8 days later
So, do you still have visions? I asked Moon.

Moon frowned. Yeah, I still have them.

I frowned deeper. But I made up with Fane!

Moon's lips turned up. More like make out...

I blushed.

But then she frowned again. But don't forget the last part of the prophecy! Even when you think everything is okay, it's not!

Okay, okay, I get it, but-

She interrupted me. Someone's waking you up!

Then, I drifted from my dream and woke up...

"Fane?" I mumbled.

"Yeah, it's me. You gotta get ready for your first meeting!" He nudged me.

"Not first meeting! I had a million in my life!" I grumbled. "Now let me sleep!"

"C'mon, it's your first meeting with me" he nudged me again. It was getting really annoying.

Nudge. Poke.

I growled at him. I peeked and I saw him smirk.

Nudge. Poke. Nudge. Poke. Nudge. Poke. Nudge. Po-

"OH WILL YOU STOP IT!?" I yelled at him, flipping him over me. I pushed him off the bed and glared at him.

He was still smirking. Argh! I wanna wipe that stupid smirk off his stupid ugly face.

"Ugly? Oh, I'm offended! I though you said I was handsome yesterday!" He gave me a cheeky smile.

Argh! I forgot we were bonded!

He gasped again. "I can't believe you forgot that I marked you!" He acted offended.

I blocked him from my head and I pushed him away from me.

I gave a final glare and went off to the bathroom.

Then I met Fane and Sally in the kitchen.

Suddenly, Steve ran in. "Fane! A rogue was found on the border! She wants to join the pack, so we didn't kill her."

Fane raised his eyebrows. "Hey, Caroline! Come with me!"

I nodded, and followed him out.

We arrived at the cells. It was super dark. We arrived at the closest cell.

This rogue barely looked like a rogue, but, okay.

When she looked up, she looked confused. She peered at my mark. "I didn't know Alpha Fane had a mate?"

I raised my eyebrows. "And how would you know?"

She shrugged and looked at Fane. He was glaring at her coldly. "Can I join your pack? I was a rogue for a bit more than a week."

"What pack did you come from before and what is your name?" I asked.

"Star Pack, my name is Gretchen, named after my great grandmother," she whispered.

"Oh, that's far. I thought Star Pack was pretty nice?"

"Well, they don't like wolves that accidentally lets their parents die," she shrugged.

"Then why'd you run here? Not go to the neighboring packs. And didn't you hear how ruthless and scary our pack is?"

"Well, who cares about rumors? They're just rumors. And just like Star Pack, maybe everything isn't what it seems."

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