Bonus ♛ Li Xue (Pt. 2)

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(Note: This scene relates to chapter 40 in the main story)

She was sleeping restlessly when a piercing scream broke the stillness of the night.

Scrambling out of her bed in her night dress, she stood on the veranda outside her room, her eyes widening in sheer horror at the sight before her. The night sky was ablaze as flames licked the roof in the distance, a building which she believed was the Emperor's bedchamber. Fear spiralled through her, followed by a sick feeling churning in her stomach.

Her father was in danger.

Shadows leapt across the roofs and descended upon them. Cries of pain and terror resounded within the walls as eunuchs and servants scurried for safety. Guards were fighting against several masked assassins and Li Xue watched as the bodies fell to the ground one by one.

The palace — her home since she was born — was being raided.

What was going on? First, Long'Er went missing and her brother had gone after her to play the hero. And now, the palace was being attacked by an unknown enemy, one who was behind this whole revolt.

Who would do such a thing?

Her maids flocked around her. "Your Highness! We've to run!"

Dark shadows swooped down the walls. As the guards fend them off, the maids grabbed Li Xue's arms and attempted to steer her away from the assassins. However, she couldn't move her legs. She remained rooted to the ground, her eyes fixed on the flames that grew by the second. The image of her father being murdered flashed in her mind for a second.

And then, she snapped.

Acting on her instinct, she wrenched her arm away from her maids and grabbed a sword from one of the lifeless bodies on the ground, gagging briefly at the nasty smell of blood that hit her nose, but she continued on her way. She may not be experienced with wielding a sword, but how could anybody possibly think she was just going to escape on her own without knowing if her parents were dead or alive? How could she be selfish in this situation?

Her maids caught her arms again and she wrestled against them. The sound of their whimpers filled with panic and fear. "Your Highness! Please don't be like this! We need to go!"

"Let go of me!" she yelled. "You girls can get out of here, but I have to go to Father!"

With all her strength, she broke away from them. Darting across the ground, she stuck close to the walls and hid in the shadows to avoid the fights that were happening around her. Either she was lucky or they thought she was the smallest threat, because none of the assassins spared her a glance as they were busy parrying against the palace guards.

When she reached the back of the Emperor's bedchamber, she climbed in through the window as quietly as possible. There was a partition placed by the wall that prevented her from seeing the rest of the room. Just as she was about to leap from her spot and call out for her father, a chilling voice pierced through the air, one that sent shivers down her spine.

"Before we kill you, here's a final message from Lord Chen. 'It's a shame to not be able to send you off, but I hope you will enjoy your life in hell.'"

Li Xue huddled behind the partition, feeling her heart pound against her chest rapidly. She poked a little hole through the screen, peeked through it and found three masked assassins pointing their blades at her unarmed father as blood ran down his left arm. Several bodies were scattered across the room. Their blood smeared across the walls and seeped into the wooden board.

She watched her father throw his head back and laughed in ridicule at her cousin's threat. "I knew it," he shook his head slowly. "Ever since the first time I met him, I knew he would turn out like his father – ruthless and selfish. But he is a foolish man. He is so consumed by revenge that he doesn't realise he is being manipulated by your master. Tell me, which minister do you serve?"

The assassins exchanged a cautious glance, before the one in the middle took the first action. He raised his sword high in the air, his eyes gleaming maliciously in the dimly-lit room. But before he could swing it down, the doors behind them flew open.

Ling Yao burst into the room, sword in one hand. He engaged all three assassins, their figures becoming a blur as they parried at an amazing speed.

Li Xue leapt into action too. She grabbed the flower vase from the night stand on her left, aimed for the closest assassin and threw it. When she hit her target's head, he tottered to the ground and this gave Ling Yao the opportunity to cut him down immediately.

She yelped excitedly at her excellent throw but the hairs on the nape of her neck suddenly rose. A presence was felt behind her and she turned, noticing a dark figure creeping up from behind — an assassin had come in through the same way she did.

A scream was heard, and it took her a second to realise that it was coming from her.

His sword arced in her direction, but Ling Yao pulled her back in the nick of time and plunged his own sword into the man's chest. He dropped to the floor like a flimsy doll, unmoving, before a silence followed. When Li Xue cast a look behind them, the rest of the assassins were already lying motionless on the ground. Dead.

Somehow, she was alive.

Her father was saved as well and that was the most important thing. However, when she caught the old man glaring at her, her relief was replaced with fear instantly and her heart plummeted.

Why was he not happy to see her?

"Xue'er, why are you here?! Why didn't you leave? Are you courting death?!"

She cowered under his livid face, until Ling Yao stepped in and shook her gently. She immediately sank into his arms for safety, grateful to have him by her side.

"Your Highness," he said. "Are you alright?"

With his hands gripping her shoulders, she could only glance up at his concerned, yet handsome face. Her heart skipped a beat and she squeezed her eyes shut. She could hear her father berating her recklessness in the background, but she was too focused on the man standing so close to her. She could feel his eyes on her, the heat from his hands and his heavy breath tickling her cheeks.

A strange feeling hit her. This was something she had experienced in the past, except that this time, it involved a real man. When realisation dawned on her, she drew a sharp intake of breath.

Oh no.

This cannot be happening to her again.

This cannot be happening to her again

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