Chapter 26

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Today was the last day of the cheerleading competition.

Everyone was so excited while us cheerleaders were very nervous. We've been beating our asses off for this competition and we know that we were gonna be great, but that didn't stop us from worrying. We've always believed that we'll win, but that doesn't mean that we will. There's a part in each one of us that worries whether or not everything we worked hard will be a waste.

My team and I were seated at the right side of the gymnasium, waiting for our turn as we watched the first team do their cheer. Not gonna lie, their cheer was good. They were a tough competitor.

I rubbed my hands together, chewing on my lip as I breathed in and out through my nose. Kayla, who's sitting beside me, was just as nervous as I was. She rested her head on my shoulder and released a long sigh.

"They're really good," She said.

I nodded my head. "They are. But we'll beat them."

"Of course we will. We're the best and we have the best captain there is in the whole entire world,"

A laugh escaped my mouth. She's the best best friend I could ever wish for. "I have the best team and you being my best friend is one of the best things that ever happened in my life," I put my arm around her.

"You're flattering me. You must need something from me,"

"Can't I just express my appreciation for you?"

"You may. And may I add something?"

"What is it?" I narrowed my eyes at her.

"I'll add Amber to one of the best things that ever happened to you,"

My cheeks suddenly got warm, tearing my gaze from her. "Kay..."

"I'm sure that you're whipped when it comes to her,"

"I am not whi-"

"There's Amber!" She stuck out her index finger, pointing at the other direction.

The moment she said that, my head snapped to where she was pointing, noticing that there's no Amber. Her body vibrated as she laughed quietly, hiding her face close to my body. I gritted my teeth and pushed her away from me as hard as I could. And because she was sitting on the edge of the bleacher, she fell on the ground, landing on her butt. That didn't stop her from laughing, like she didn't feel any pain from falling.

"Whipped as a cream."

"Not even funny, Kayla," I helped her to get back on the bleacher and gave her enough space to stay away from me.

"It actually was," She grinned.

I rolled my eyes, ignoring her laughter. "Laugh all you want,"

"I will,"

Thinking of doing the same thing, I pointed a random girl and said, "Lexi is there!"

Like me, she snapped her head to the girl and realized that it wasn't her girlfriend.

"You're whipped!"

"I'm proud to let everyone know that I'm whipped for Lex. You on the other hand, are not admitting that you're whipped for Amber,"

"Cause I'm not!" I snapped.

"If only you could see what your face looked like awhile ago. There's this spark in your eyes and they widen whenever you hear her name. There's this excitement you feel whenever you see her and whenever you're around her. The way you watch her when she laughs like it's the most beautiful sound you've ever heard. When she smiles, your eyes glisten like it's the most amazing art you've ever seen. You can't deny that you're very whipped,"

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