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MY DAD IS DEFINITELY UP TO SOMETHING. That was for sure, but I am little out of the loop when it came to the exact details. But when he invited Aunt Freya over, I knew he was trying to locate someone or something, or at the very least, for some kind of Witchy assistance.

My Mom usually should've come home by now, after her usual meeting with the Pack in the morning. But it seemed she was running late today.

You see, my parents keep a schedule, so they can spend equal time with me. Mom, being the co-alpha to the Pack, has a few duties and responsibilities to the Pack along with Jackson. So, she spends the morning hours with them, helping Jack in training them. The Pack seemed to have increased in number after the Dhalia's fiasco.

Of course, who would not want the hybrid abilities without being a true hybrid?

During that time, Dad looks after me. Sure he might've given the vampire faction back to my pseudo brother Marcel, but Dad doesn't need a crown or Kingdom to prove the influence he holds as the Original Hybrid. Klaus Mikaelson can still boss around everyone and is feared by all. He has contacts global-wide to know what everyone is up to in the Supernatural Community. Whenever he is not with me, he is with Camille.

I say he should ask her out on a date, instead of beating around the bush.

Nonetheless, if he is not with his family or Cami, he takes time to paint. Dad's passion for art remained unyielding, and he sends them out every now and then for the charities. Recently, he decided to open an art exhibition in the quarter. Now that his father...my grandfather is no longer planning on killing him or his siblings anymore, Dad decided it was time for the fruits of his labor to be appreciated. The date was not yet fixed, but the location is going to be ST. James Infirmary.

But during the past week, he has been acting peculiarly. He looked at unease, more than usual. I could recognize his paranoia from a mile ahead.

So, yes. I was worried when Dad called Aunt Freya over to come along with her witchy things.

"She gets bigger by the second," Freya commented as soon as she saw me.

"Yes. If I could, I would stop her from growing up anymore," My Dad said, the British accent, rolling off his tongue as he stood behind Freya. And I couldn't help but snort inwardly.

"You said, you want me to do a spell," Freya inquired, turning towards my Dad.

"Yes," Dad began, getting into business mode. "I have recently come to know about a prophecy. About our family's doom under a year." Aunt Freya looked as stunned as me. "I believe it's about Rebekah, Elijah, and me."

"How sure are you about this?" Aunt Freya inquires after a while, wrapping her head around everything.

"As sure as I am about Dhalia's weakness being mother," said my Dad.

Did I have another vision? I don't remember it, though.

"From a very reliable source then," Aunt Freya commented, reciting the words the siblings said the first time around.

Dad let out a sigh, pondering. "Look, Freya. You have proven to me that you are trust-worthy during these past few months. You are keeping Father in line, and you even babysat Hope a few times, and haven't released Finn. And you have not proven me wrong until now. So, I am trusting that you won't reveal what I am about to say to another soul."

"Of course," Aunt Freya said immediately. She knew how hard she had to work to earn her sibling's trust, more importantly, my Dad's. And I knew it was a big step for him because no one knew about my freaky powers except for family. And this proves that he considers Aunt Freya as family, officially.

And so, he told her everything. How he could look at the visions, how it can't be stopped. About what happens if someone were to bind my magic, and who knows about this matter. And at last, he told her about the new vision he saw a week ago while I was sleeping, apparently.

"What is it you want from me?" Freya asked, no other questions asked.

"I want to know how? The prophecy spoke about the three remaining Originals' downfall. One by a friend, one by the foe, and one by family," Dad said, pacing around. "But I want to know how it is possible. I burned the white oak I acquired from Father, myself, after Dhalia's demise so that our family will never be vulnerable again."

He then looked at her, agitated by the whole thing. I know for a fact, Dad has one more stake with himself, from what I saw in the show, and he told to Caroline Forbes. He used it to kill himself in the end. But the location of it is only known to him, probably concealed with a lot of cloaking spells. So, Dad must've guessed there was one more out there that will reach to the hands of his enemies.

"And now, my first sired will be here in a few days, talking about a war between the sire lines. And I am sure my siblings first sired will soon follow him. So, I would like to know if you have a way to look if there is even splinter of that wood is left in the world that can be used against us," Dad asked, and I immediately looked at the chess piece in my hands. I threw it on the ground, and it hit with a thud, catching their attention.

But it was a futile attempt, as Aunt Freya, just picked it up and handed it back to me. I let out a sigh, annoyed. I hated the story that went along with this stupid white oak. And I hated Camille with everything when she took it as blackmail material. Yes, she is a vampire at that point, and her emotions were all over the place.

But to take a vampire community WMD in return for a dark object that was not even hers, to begin with...yup! I was more than pissed. And then came Aurora, who was equally off her rockers, but with a little psychotic streak, and made six or some bullets out of it. And the last remaining white oak bullet was used in the making of the Beast, thanks to a few judgemental spirits, who can't stay dead and mind there own business.

I looked at the white oak in my hands, in pure distaste. If only I could burn this bloody thing. And just like that, the wood caught on fire, and I squealed. I was in my Dad's arms in the next second, and Aunt Freya threw the fluff blanket out along with the knight before the whole cradle could catch fire, and generate blinding smoke. She then came to me and muttered a few incantations to tend my slightly inflamed hand. It was not burned as I dropped it immediately. However, the heat caused quite the agony, and my hand was red.

Aunt Freya's spells lessened the pain, though. Dad, however, couldn't see my hands like that. He was absolutely panicked by the accidental magic as Aunt Freya. Even though Aunt Freya said, I am not in pain anymore, and the redness on the palms will fade as soon as I drink a witch potion, Dad fed me a few drops of his blood. And I knew all the family members will start fussing around in the coming days.

Nonetheless, I was ecstatic that the siblings let the wooden knight burn, thoroughly distracted in helping me.

𝐈 𝐀𝐌 𝐇𝐎𝐏𝐄 𝐌𝐈𝐊𝐀𝐄𝐋𝐒𝐎𝐍!? ⚜ 𝓣𝓱𝓮 𝓞𝓻𝓲𝓰𝓲𝓷𝓪𝓵𝓼 Where stories live. Discover now